JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieves the root queries and their children.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Azure DevOps API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • Id supports the '=' operator.
  • ProjectId supports the '=' operator.
  • Depth supports the '=' operator.
  • Expand supports the '=' operator.
  • IncludeDeleted supports the '=' operator.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the 本製品.

For example:

	SELECT * FROM Queries WHERE ProjectId = '66eb7414-f622-4eff-88da-3ad681f19073'
	SELECT * FROM QueryClauses WHERE ProjectId = '66eb7414-f622-4eff-88da-3ad681f19073' AND Id = '40314330-b454-41fd-9514-e6be6096bd0b'
	SELECT * FROM QueryClauses WHERE ProjectId = '66eb7414-f622-4eff-88da-3ad681f19073' AND Id = '40314330-b454-41fd-9514-e6be6096bd0b' AND Expand = 'wiql'
	SELECT * FROM QueryClauses WHERE ProjectId = '66eb7414-f622-4eff-88da-3ad681f19073' AND Id = '40314330-b454-41fd-9514-e6be6096bd0b' AND Depth = 2


The following are examples of inserting into a Queries table:

INSERT INTO Queries (ProjectId, Id, Name, IsFolder) VALUES ('619e870e-5242-4218-bedd-c52d8c003591', '2c2ad877-b460-4a6a-a323-a1c000035e2f', cdata11211, false)

Using aggregate columns:

INSERT INTO QueryColumns#TEMP (Name, referenceName) VALUES (test1, Cdata1)
INSERT INTO QueryColumns#TEMP (Name, referenceName) VALUES (test2, cdata11)
INSERT INTO Queries (ProjectId, ParentQueryId, Name, IsFolder, QueryColumns) VALUES ('b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937', 'fa454167-0ba2-4fdf-8a27-7946ed80636d', 'Creating a new query object', true, QueryColumns#TEMP)


The following is an example of updating a Queries table:

UPDATE Queries SET Name = 'cdata1' WHERE ProjectId = '1db52c22-a4e9-4ddc-ba82-5c0ae281dfd2' AND Id = 'fa454167-0ba2-4fdf-8a27-7946ed80636d'


The following is an example of deleting data in a Queries table:

DELETE FROM Queries WHERE ProjectId = '1db52c22-a4e9-4ddc-ba82-5c0ae281dfd2' AND Id = 'fa454167-0ba2-4fdf-8a27-7946ed80636d'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Id of the query.

ProjectId String True

Id of the project.

CreatedById String False

The Id of the user.

CreatedByName String False

The name of the user.

CreatedByUrl String False

The URL of the user.

CreatedDate Datetime False

When the query item was created.

FilterOptions String False

The link query mode.

HasChildren Boolean False

If this is a query folder, indicates if it contains any children.

IsDeleted Boolean False

Indicates if this query item is deleted.

IsFolder Boolean False

Indicates if this is a query folder or a query.

IsInvalidSyntax Boolean False

Indicates if the WIQL of this query is invalid.

IsPublic Boolean False

Indicates if this query item is public or private.

LastExecutedById String False

The Id of the user.

LastExecutedByName String False

The unique name of the user.

LastExecutedByUrl String False

The URL of the user.

LastExecutedDate Datetime False

When the query was last run.

LastModifiedById String False

The Id of the user.

LastModifiedByName String False

The unique name of the user.

LastModifiedByUrl String False

The URL of the user.

LastModifiedDate Datetime False

When the query item was last modified.

Links String True

Aggregate of the reference links.

Name String False

The name of the query item.

Path String False

The path of the query item.

QueryRecursionOption String False

The recursion option for use in a tree query.

QueryType String False

The type of query.

Url String False

The URL of the query Item.

Wiql String False

The WIQL text of the query.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。 特に指定がない限り、擬似カラムでフィルタリングを行う場合は = 演算子のみ使用できます。

Name Type Description
Depth Integer

In the folder of queries, return the children queries or folders at this depth.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

Expand Boolean

Include the query string (WIQL).

使用できる値は次のとおりです。minimal, none, wiql

IncludeDeleted Boolean

Include deleted queries and folders.

ParentQueryId String

The id of Parent Query item

QueryColumns String

The id of Parent Query item

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111