JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieves a list of release definitions.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Azure DevOps API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • Id supports the '=,in' operator.
  • ProjectId supports the '=' operator.
  • IsDeleted supports the '=' operator.
  • Path supports the '=' operator.
  • Properties supports the '=,in' operators.
  • Tags supports the '=,in' operators.
  • ArtifactSourceId supports the '=' operator.
  • ArtifactType supports the '=' operator.
  • Expand supports the '=' operator.
  • IsExactNameMatch supports the '=' operator.
  • SearchText supports the '=' operator.
  • SearchTextContainsFolderName supports the '=' operator.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the 本製品.

For example:

	SELECT * FROM ReleaseDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = '1e313382-5f07-43be-b5ae-1dcfa51ffaf4'
	SELECT * FROM ReleaseDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = '1e313382-5f07-43be-b5ae-1dcfa51ffaf4' AND Id = 1
	SELECT * FROM ReleaseDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = '1e313382-5f07-43be-b5ae-1dcfa51ffaf4' AND Tags IN ('Tag1', 'Tag2')
	SELECT * FROM ReleaseDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = '66eb7414-f622-4eff-88da-3ad681f19073' AND Expand = 'triggers'


The following are examples of inserting into ReleaseDefinitions table. For example:

INSERT INTO ReleaseDefinitionArtifacts#TEMP (Alias, IsPrimary) VALUES ('cdata1', false)
INSERT INTO ReleaseDefinitionArtifacts#TEMP (Alias, IsPrimary) VALUES ('cdata2', true)
INSERT INTO ReleaseDefinitions (Revision, Source, ProjectId, Name, Comment, Description, ReleaseDefinitionArtifacts) VALUES (1, undefined, 'b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937', cdata, 'demo request to create release definitions', 'HelloCdata1', ReleaseDefinitionArtifacts#TEMP)


The following is an example of updating a ReleaseDefinitions table:

UPDATE ReleaseDefinitions SET Name = 'cdata2' WHERE ProjectId = 'b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937'


The following is an example of deleting data in a ReleaseDefinitions table:

DELETE FROM ReleaseDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = 'b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937' AND Id = '1'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

Id of the release definition.

Links String True

Aggregate of the reference links.

Comment String False

Comment on the release definition.

CreatedByDisplayName String False

The non unique display name of the user who created this release definition.

CreatedById String False

The Id of the user.

CreatedByUrl String False

The URL of the user.

CreatedOn Datetime False

The date on which it got created.

Description String False

The description of the release definition.

IsDeleted Boolean False

Whether release definition is deleted.

LastReleaseCreatedByDisplayName String False

The non-unique display name of the user who created last release.

LastReleaseCreatedById String False

The Id of the user who created last release.

LastReleaseCreatedByUrl String False

The URL of the user who created last release.

LastReleaseCreatedOn Datetime False

The date on which the last release was created.

LastReleaseDescription String False

The description of the last release.

LastReleaseId Integer False

The Id of the last release.

LastReleaseModifiedById String False

The Id of the user who modified the last release.

LastReleaseName String False

The name of the last release.

LastReleaseReason String False

The reason of the last release.

LastReleaseReleaseDefinitionId Integer False

The Id of the release definition of the last release.

LastReleaseWebAccessUri String False

The web access URI of the last release.

ModifiedByDisplayName String False

The non-unique display name of the user who modified this release definition.

ModifiedById String False

The Id of the user who modified this release definition.

ModifiedByUrl String False

The URL of the user who modified this release definition.

ModifiedOn Datetime False

The date on which it got modified.

Name String False

The name of the release definition.

Path String False

The Path of the release definition.

ProjectId String False

Id of the Project.

ProjectName String False

Name of the Project.

Properties String False

The list of properties associated with this definition.

ReleaseNameFormat String False

The release name format.

Revision Integer False

The revision number.

Source String False

The source of the release definition.

Tags String False

The list of tags.

Triggers String False

The list of triggers.

Url String False

REST API URL to access the release definition.

VariableGroups String False

The list of variable groups.

Variables String False

Release Definition Variables.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
ArtifactSourceId String

Release definitions with given artifactSourceId will be returned.

ArtifactType String

Release definitions with given artifactType will be returned.

Expand String

The properties that should be expanded in the list of Release definitions.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。tags, lastRelease, triggers, none

IsExactNameMatch Boolean

'true' to gets the release definitions with exact match as specified in searchText.

SearchText String

Get release definitions with names containing searchText.

SearchTextContainsFolderName Boolean

'true' to get the release definitions under the folder with name as specified in searchText.

ReleaseDefinitionArtifacts String

List of artifacts for release definition object.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9032