The driver models the data in Azure DevOps into a list of tables that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Generally, querying Azure DevOps tables is the same as querying a table in a relational database. Sometimes there are special cases, for example, including a certain column in the WHERE clause might be required to get data for certain columns in the table. This is typically needed for situations where a separate request must be made for each row to get certain columns. These types of situations are clearly documented at the top of the table page linked below.
CData JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps Tables
Name | Description |
AgentPools | Retrieves a list of agent pools. |
BuildDefinitionDrafts | Retrieves a list of drafts associated with the specific definition. |
BuildDefinitions | Retrieves a list of build definitions. |
Builds | Retrieves a list of builds. |
Dashboards | Retrieves a list of dashboards and details for a specific dashboard. |
DeploymentGroups | Retrieves a list of all deployment groups. |
Feeds | Retrieves all feeds in an account. |
FeedViews | Retrieves all views for the specific feed. |
GitBranches | Retrieves a collection of git branch. |
Projects | Get all projects in the organization that the authenticated user has access to and details of the specific project. |
PullRequestReviewers | Retrieves a list of reviewers for the specific pull request |
Pushes | Retrieves pushes associated with the specified repository. |
Queries | Retrieves the root queries and their children. |
ReleaseApprovals | Retrieves a list of approvals.. |
ReleaseDefinitionArtifacts | Retrieves a list of release definition artifacts. |
ReleaseDefinitions | Retrieves a list of release definitions. |
Releases | Retrieves a list of releases. |
Repositories | Retrieves a list of repositories. |
TaskGroups | Retrieves a list of task groups. |
TeamIterations | Retrieve a team's iteration. |
Teams | Retrieves a list of all teams and details of specified team. |
TeamSettings | Retrieves settings for a team.. |
TestCases | Retrieves a list of all test cases. |
TestConfigurations | Retrieves a list test configurations. |
TestPlans | Get a list of test plans and details of specific test plan. |
TestResults | Retrieves test results for a test run. |
TestRuns | Retrieves a list of test runs. |
TestSessions | Retrieves a list of test sessions. |
TestSuites | Retrieves all test suites. |
TestVariables | Retrieves a list of test variables. |
Users | Retrieves a list of users. This table will not retrieve results for the On-premise edition. |
VariableGroups | Retrieves a list of variable groups. |
WikiPages | Retrieves metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided path. |
Wikis | Retrieves all wikis in a project or collection. |