API Data Provider - Online Help

Typeform Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Typeform Tables

Name Description
CustomMessages Retrieves the customizable messages for a form (specified by form_id) using the form's specified language.
Form Retrieves a form by the given form_id. Includes any theme and images attached to the form as references.
Forms Retrieves a list of JSON descriptions for all forms in your Typeform account (public and private). Forms are listed in reverse-chronological order based on the last date they were modified.
Images Retrieves a list of JSON descriptions for all images in your Typeform account.
MyAccounts Retrieve your own account information.
Responses Returns form responses and date and time of form landing and submission.
Themes Retrieves a theme in your Typeform account.
Webhooks Retrieve all webhooks for the specified typeform.
Workspace Retrieve a workspace.
Workspaces Retrieve all workspaces in your account.

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