API Data Provider - Online Help

FigShare Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

FigShare Tables

Name Description
InstitutionAccountGroupRoles List Institution Account Group Roles.
InstitutionCurationReview Retrieve a certain curation review by its ID.
InstitutionCurationReviewComments Retrieve a certain curation review's comments.
InstitutionCurationReviews Retrieve a list of curation reviews for this institution.
PrivateAccountCategories List institution categories (including parent Categories).
PrivateAccountInformation Account information for token/personal token.
PrivateAccountInstitutionAccounts Returns the accounts for which the account has administrative privileges (assigned and inherited).
PrivateAccountInstitutionGroups Returns the groups for which the account has administrative privileges (assigned and inherited).
PrivateAccountInstitutionRoles Returns the roles available for groups and the institution group.
PrivateAccountInstitutions Returns Account institution details.
PrivateAccountInstitutionUser Retrieve institution user information using the AccountId.
PrivateAccountLicenses It will return a list with figshare public licenses AND licenses defined for account's institution.
PrivateArticleAuthors List article authors.
PrivateArticleCategories List article categories.
PrivateArticleDetails Retrieve private article details.
PrivateArticleFiles List private files.
PrivateArticlePrivateLinks List private links.
PrivateArticles Get Own Articles
PrivateCollectionArticles List collection articles.
PrivateCollectionAuthors List collection authors.
PrivateCollectionCategories List collection categories.
PrivateCollectionDetails Retrieve private collection details.
PrivateCollectionPrivateLinks List collection private links.
PrivateCollections List private collections
PrivateInstitutionArticles Get Articles from own institution. User must be administrator of the institution.
PrivateProjectArticleDetails Retrieve private project article details.
PrivateProjectArticleFiles Retrieve private project article files.
PrivateProjectArticles List private project articles.
PrivateProjectCollaborators List Project collaborators and invited users.
PrivateProjectDetails Retrieve private project details.
PrivateProjectNotes Retrieve private project notes.
PrivateProjects List private projects
PublicArticleDetails Retrieve public article details.
PublicArticleFiles Files list for article.
PublicArticles Returns a list of public articles. There is a API limititaion on the number of articles that you can retrieve. Use one or more filters not to exceed this API limitation.
PublicCategories Returns a list of public categories.
PublicCollectionArticles Returns a list of public collection articles.
PublicCollectionDetails Retrieve public collection details.
PublicCollections Returns a list of public collections. There is a API limititaion on the number of public collections that you can retrieve. Use one or more filters not to exceed this API limitation.
PublicInstitutionArticles Returns a list of articles belonging to the institution.
PublicLicenses Returns a list of public licenses.
PublicProjectArticles Returns a list of public project articles.
PublicProjectDetails Retrieve public project details.
PublicProjects Returns a list of public projects. There is a API limititaion on the number of public projects that you can retrieve. Use one or more filters not to exceed this API limitation.

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