API Data Provider - Online Help


Return the data for all Contacts.


Name Type References
Id [KEY] Integer
Etag String
EmailAddresses String
FirstName String
LastName String
MiddleName String
Name String
Title String
Type String

The allowed values are company, person.

CreatedAt Datetime
UpdatedAt Datetime
AccountBalances String
ActivityRates String
Addresses String
ClientConnectUserId Integer
ClioConnectEmail String
CompanyId Integer
CompanyName String
CustomFieldSetAssociations String
CustomFieldValues String
FolderId Integer
FolderName String
HasClioForClientsPermission Boolean
IsBillRecipient Boolean
IsClient Boolean
NotificationMethods String
PaymentProfileId Integer
PaymentProfileName String
PhoneNumbers String
Prefix String
PrimaryAddressEtag String
PrimaryAddressId Integer
PrimaryAddressName String
PrimaryEmailAddress String
PrimaryPhoneNumber String
PrimaryWebSiteId Integer
PrimaryWebSiteEtag String
PrimaryWebSiteName String
PrimaryWorkAddressEtag String
PrimaryWorkAddressId Integer
PrimaryWorkAddressName String
RelatedContacts String
SecondaryAddressEtag String
SecondaryAddressId Integer
SecondaryAddressName String
SecondaryEmailAddress String
SecondaryPhoneNumber String
WebSites String

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