Clio Tables
The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Clio Tables
Name | Description |
Activities | Return the data for all Activities. |
ActivityDescriptions | Return the data for all ActivityDescriptions. |
ActivityRates | Return the data for all ActivityRates. |
Allocations | Return the data for all Allocations. |
BankAccounts | Return the data for all BankAccounts. |
BankTransactions | Return the data for all BankTransactions. |
BillableClients | Return the data for all BillableClients. |
BillableMatters | Return the data for all BillableMatters. |
Bills | Return the data for all Bills. |
BillThemes | Return the data for all BillThemes. |
CalendarEntries | Return the data for all CalendarEntries. |
Calendars | Return the data for all Calendars. |
Comments | Return the data for all Comments. |
Communications | Return the data for all Communications. |
Contacts | Return the data for all Contacts. |
ConversationMessages | Return the data for all ConversationMessages. |
Conversations | Return the data for all Conversations. |
CreditMemos | Return the data for all CreditMemos. |
CurrentUser | Return the data for the current User. |
CustomFields | Return the data for all custom fields. |
CustomFieldSets | Return the data for all custom field sets. |
DocumentCategories | Return the data for all DocumentCategories. |
Documents | Return the data for all Documents. |
ExpenseCategories | Return the data for all ExpenseCategories. |
Folders | Return the data for all Folders. |
Groups | Return the data for all Groups. |
InterestCharges | Return the data for all InterestCharges. |
Jurisdictions | Return the data for all Jurisdictions. |
LineItems | Return the data for all LineItems. |
LogEntries | Return the data for all LogEntries. |
MatterClients | Return the client data for a single matter. |
MatterContacts | Return the related contact data for a single matter. |
MatterDockets | Return the data for all matter dockets. |
Matters | Return the data for all Matters. |
Notes | Return the data for all Notes. |
OutstandingClientBalances | Return the data for all OutstandingClientBalances. |
Relationships | Return the data for all Relationships. |
Reminders | Return the data for all Reminders. |
ServiceTypes | Return the data for all service types. |
Tasks | Return the data for all Tasks. |
TaskTemplates | Return the data for all TaskTemplates. |
TaskTypes | Return the data for all TaskTypes. |
Triggers | Return the data for all Triggers. |
TrustLineItems | Return the data for all TrustLineItems. |
Users | Return the data for all Users. |
UtbmsCodes | Return the data for all UtbmsCodes. |
UtbmsSets | Return the data for all UtbmsSets. |