ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


本製品 はHubSpot のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。

CData ODBC Driver for HubSpot テーブル

Name Description
CallProperties Retrieve the available Quote properties in HubSpot.
CommunicationProperties Retrieve the available Communications properties in HubSpot.
Companies Retrieve the available Companies in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
CompanyAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Companies objects in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
CompanyPipelines Pipelines of companies in HubSpot.
CompanyPipelineStages Pipeline stages of companies in HubSpot.
ContactAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Contacts objects in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
ContactPipelines Pipelines of contacts in HubSpot.
ContactPipelineStages Pipeline stages of deals in HubSpot.
Contacts Retrieve the available Contacts in HubSpot. his table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
ContactsToDealsAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the Deals objects associated to specific Contacts objects in HubSpot. his table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
CustomObjectAssociations Retrieve and manage associations between Custom object types in HubSpot.
DealAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Deals objects in HubSpot. his table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
DealPipelines Pipelines of deals in HubSpot.
DealPipelineStages Pipeline stages of deals in HubSpot.
Deals Retrieve the available Deals in HubSpot. his table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
EmailProperties Retrieve the available Quote properties in HubSpot.
EngagementsCalls Retrieve the available Calls in HubSpot.
EngagementsEmails Retrieve the available Emails in HubSpot.
EngagementsMeetings Retrieve the available Meetings in HubSpot.
EngagementsNotes Retrieve the available Notes in HubSpot.
EngagementsTasks Retrieve the available Tasks in HubSpot.
FeedbackSubmissionAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Feedbacksubmissions objects in HubSpot.
FeedbackSubmissionProperties Retrieve the available Quote properties in HubSpot.
Feedbacksubmissions Retrieve the available Feedbacksubmissions in HubSpot.
Forms Retrieve HubSpot forms used to collect lead information about your visitors and contacts.
LeadAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Leads objects in HubSpot.
LeadPipelineStages Pipeline stages of Leads in HubSpot.
LeadProperties Retrieve the available LeadProperties in HubSpot.
LeadPropertyGroups Retrieve the available Lead property groups in HubSpot.
Leads Retrieve the available Leads in HubSpot.
LineitemAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Lineitems objects in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
LineItemProperties Retrieve the available Quote properties in HubSpot.
Lineitems Retrieve the available Lineitems in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
MeetingProperties Retrieve the available Quote properties in HubSpot.
NoteProperties Retrieve the available Quote properties in HubSpot.
OrderAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Orders objects in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
OrderPipelines Pipelines of Orders in HubSpot.
OrderPipelineStages Pipeline stages of Orders in HubSpot.
OrderProperties Retrieve the available Order properties in HubSpot.
OrderPropertyGroups Retrieve the available Order property groups in HubSpot.
Orders Retrieve the available Orders in HubSpot.
PostalEmailProperties Retrieve the available PostalEmails properties in HubSpot.
ProductProperties Retrieve the available Quote properties in HubSpot.
Products Retrieve the available Products in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
QuoteAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Quotes objects in HubSpot. table supports only PrivateAppToken authentication.
Quotes Retrieve the available Quotes in HubSpot. This table supports only PrivateAppToken authentication.
TaskProperties Retrieve the available Quote properties in HubSpot.
Threads Retrieve the available Threads in a Conversation in HubSpot.
TicketAssociations Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Tickets objects in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
TicketPipelines Discover pipelines that a ticket goes through in HubSpot.
TicketPipelineStages Pipeline stages of tickets in HubSpot.
Tickets Retrieve the available Tickets in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
Workflows Select and manage HubSpot workflows.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9032