ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieve the available Tickets in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.

Table Specific Information

In HubSpot, a ticket represents a customer request for help or support. The tickets endpoints allow you to manage this data and sync it between HubSpot and other systems.


When selecting tickets, they can be filtered by columns marked below as 'Filterable'. For those columns, the supported server-side operators are =, !=, <, <=, >, >=. Further filtering is available using AND and OR combinations. A maximum of 2 OR operators are supported server-side, with each of these operators supporting up to 2 AND operators inside of them. For example:

SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE [Number of times contacted] > 5 AND [Ticket status] < 4
SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE [Source] = 'EMAIL' OR [Source] = 'PHONE'

In the below server-offloading examples, "{Column}" represents any column you'd like to filter and "{Value}" represents any value you want to filter it on:

SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE {Column} = {Value} AND {Column} < {Value} AND {Column} > {Value}
SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE {Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value}
SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE ({Column} = {Value} AND {Column} = {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value})
SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value})


INSERT INTO Tickets ([Ticket name]) VALUES ('ticket')


UPDATE Tickets SET [Ticket name] = 'new ticket' WHERE ID = '50962544'


DELETE FROM Tickets WHERE ID = '50962544'


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Description
Id [KEY] Long False True

Unique identifier of the object.

Archived Bool True False

Whether the object is archived or not.

CreatedAt Datetime True False

When the object was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True False

When the object was last updated.

Close date Datetime False True

The date the ticket was closed

Created by Decimal False True

VID of contact that created the ticket

Create date Datetime False True

The date the ticket was created

First agent email response date Datetime True True

The date of the first email response from an agent after a ticket was created

Business units String False True

The business units this record is assigned to.

Assignment Method String False True

defines how the Object Assignment is done

AutoGenerated from thread id Decimal True True

Thread that this ticket was automatically created for using ticket rules

Originating Conversations Message Id String False True

Conversations Message Id of the message that originated this ticket

Conversations originating thread id Decimal False True

Thread that this ticket was originally created for

Created by user ID Decimal True True

The user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

HubSpot create date Datetime True True

Internal read_only property representing the date the ticket was created in HubSpot

Custom inbox ID Decimal False True

ID of the custom inbox the ticket is associated with

Date entered 'New _Support Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the ticket entered the 'New' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Date entered 'Waiting on contact _Support Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the ticket entered the 'Waiting on contact' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Date entered 'Waiting on us _Support Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the ticket entered the 'Waiting on us' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Date entered 'Closed _Support Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the ticket entered the 'Closed' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Date exited 'New _Support Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the ticket exited the 'New' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Date exited 'Waiting on contact _Support Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the ticket exited the 'Waiting on contact' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Date exited 'Waiting on us _Support Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the ticket exited the 'Waiting on us' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Date exited 'Closed _Support Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the ticket exited the 'Closed' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

External object ids String False True

Unique ids corresponding to tickets in a system outside of HubSpot

Last CES survey comment String True True

Last CES survey comment that this contact gave for this ticket

Last CES survey rating String True True

Last CES survey rating that this contact gave for this ticket

Last CES survey date Datetime True True

The time that this contact last submitted a CES survey response. This is automatically set by HubSpot.

File upload String False True

Files attached to a support form by a contact.

First agent response date Datetime True True

The date of the first response from an agent out of all associated conversations

In Help Desk Bool False True

Is this Ticket rendered in the Help Desk

Inbox ID Decimal True True

Inbox the ticket is in

Last email activity String True True

The type of the last email activity with the contact associated with the ticket.

Last email date Datetime True True

The date of the last email activity with the contact associated with the ticket.

Last message received date Datetime True True

The date of the last response from the visitor

Last response date Datetime True True

The date of the last response from an agent or bot

Last activity date Datetime True True

The last time a note_ call_ email_ meeting_ or task was logged for a ticket. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.

Last contacted date Datetime True True

The last time a call_ chat conversation_ LinkedIn message_ postal mail_ meeting_ sales email_ SMS_ or WhatsApp message was logged for a ticket. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the ticket record.

Last modified date Datetime True True

Most recent timestamp of any property update for this ticket. This includes HubSpot internal properties_ which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.

Latest message seen by agent ids String True True

Agents who have seen the newest message across all conversations associated to the ticket

Merged ticket ids String True True

All ticket ids for this ticket

Microsoft Teams message ID for this ticket. String True True

Microsoft Teams message ID for this ticket.

Next activity date Datetime True True

The date of the next upcoming activity for a ticket. This property is set automatically by HubSpot based on user action. This includes logging a future call_ email_ or meeting using the Log feature_ as well as creating a future task or scheduling a future meeting. This is updated automatically by HubSpot.

Number of Associated Companies Decimal True True

Number of companies associated with this ticket

Number of times contacted Decimal True True

The number of times a call_ email_ or meeting was logged on the ticket

Record ID Decimal True True

The unique ID for this record. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Originating channel account String True True

First channel account used when conversation was started

Originating email engagement id Decimal True True

Engagement id of the email originating this ticket

Originating channel type String True True

The channel the conversation is in

Pinned Engagement ID Decimal True True

The object ID of the current pinned engagement. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Pipeline String False True

The pipeline that contains this ticket

Ticket status String False True

The pipeline stage that contains this ticket

Read Only Object Bool True True

Is the object read only

Resolution String False True

The action taken to resolve the ticket

Thread IDs To Restore String False True

Thread IDs _from cv_threads_ used to implement custom cascading delete_restore

Category String False True

Main reason customer reached out for help

Ticket ID Decimal True True

The unique id for this ticket. This unique id is automatically populated by HubSpot.

Priority String False True

The level of attention needed on the ticket

Time in 'New _Support Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the ticket in the 'New' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Time in 'Waiting on contact _Support Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the ticket in the 'Waiting on contact' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Time in 'Waiting on us _Support Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the ticket in the 'Waiting on us' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Time in 'Closed _Support Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the ticket in the 'Closed' stage_ 'Support Pipeline' pipeline

Time to Close SLA Due Date Datetime True True

When the ticket falls out of Time to Close SLA.

Time to Close SLA Ticket Status String True True

Current Time to Close SLA status of ticket

Time to First Response SLA Due Date Datetime True True

When the ticket falls out of the Time to First Response SLA

Time to First Response SLA Status String True True

Current Time to First Response SLA status.

Unique creation key String True True

Unique property used for idempotent creates

Updated by user ID Decimal True True

The user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

User IDs of all notification followers String True True

The user IDs of all users that have clicked follow within the object to opt_in to getting follow notifications

User IDs of all notification unfollowers String True True

The user IDs of all object owners that have clicked unfollow within the object to opt_out of getting follow notifications

User IDs of all owners String True True

The user IDs of all owners of this object

Owner assigned date Datetime True True

The date an owner was assigned to the ticket

Date of last engagement Datetime True True

The date of the last reply or note

Last customer reply date Datetime True True

The date of the last customer response

NPS follow up String False True

Answer to NPS follow up question

NPS follow up question Decimal False True

Specific version of NPS follow up question that was asked

Conversation NPS score String False True

NPS score received after ticket resolution

Reference to email thread String False True

The id of an email thread with ticket conversation

Time to close Decimal True True

The time between when the ticket was created and closed

Time to first agent email reply Decimal True True

The time from the ticket create date to the first agent email reply

Ticket name String False True

Short summary of ticket

Ticket description String False True

Description of the ticket

Source String False True

Channel where ticket was originally submitted

Reference to sourceSpecific object String False True

The id of a connected source object

Tags String False True

Tags associated with your tickets

Recent Sales Email Replied Date Datetime True True

The last time a tracked sales email was replied to for this ticket

Ticket owner String False True

User the ticket is assigned to. Assign additional users to a ticket record by creating a custom user property.

Last Contacted _Ticket Note_ Datetime True True

The last timestamp when a call_ email or meeting was logged for this ticket

Last Activity Date _Ticket Note_ Datetime True True

The last time a note_ call_ email_ meeting_ or task was logged for a ticket. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the ticket record.

Next Activity Date _Ticket Note_ Datetime True True

The date of the next upcoming activity for this ticket

Number of times contacted _Ticket Note_ Decimal True True

The number of times a call_ email or meeting was logged for this ticket

Number of Sales Activities Decimal True True

Number of sales activities for this ticket

HubSpot team String True True

Primary team of the ticket owner. This property is set automatically by HubSpot.

All owner ids String True True

The value of all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom

All team ids String True True

The team IDs_ including up the team hierarchy_ corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom

All accessible team ids String True True

The team IDs_ including up the team hierarchy_ corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9032