ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieve the IDs of all the objects associated to specific Feedbacksubmissions objects in HubSpot.

View Specific Information

This is a sample associations table exposed when the ExpandAssociations connection property is set to False (default).


A query to this table will return will return the Id-s of all the records and their corresponding object type associated to a specific FeedbackSubmission record.

SELECT * FROM FeedbackSubmissionAssociations


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Description
Id [KEY] Long False



Feedbacksubmissions ID

AssociationId [KEY] Long False False

ID of the object that this Feedbacksubmissions object is associated with.

Type [KEY] String False False

Type of the associated object_ which can be a contact_ deal etc.

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Build 24.0.9032