Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData Power BI Connector for Jira Views
Name | Description |
AdvancedSettings | Query the application properties that are accessible on the Advanced Settings page. |
ApplicationRoles | Query all application roles. In Jira, application roles are managed using the Application access configuration page. |
Audit | Query the audit log of your Jira account. |
BoardConfiguration | Query the agile Board Configuration in Jira. |
BoardIssues | Query the agile Board Issues in Jira. |
BoardSprints | Query the agile Sprints related to a Jira Board. |
Configuration | Query the available Configurations in Jira. |
Dashboards | Query the available Dashboards in Jira. |
Epics | Query all the Epics. |
FavouriteFilters | Query the favourite Filters in Jira. |
Fields | Query the available System and Custom Fields in Jira. |
Filters | Query the set up Filters in Jira. This table is not available in Jira Server. |
FiltersUsers | Query the users that filters are shared with. |
Groups | Query the available Groups in Jira. |
IssueAffectedVersions | Query the Affected Versions of an issue in Jira. |
IssueChangelogs | Query the available IssueChangelogs in Jira. |
IssueComponents | Query the available IssueComponents in Jira. |
IssueCustomFieldOptions | Query Issue Custom Field Options in Jira. This resource is not available in Jira Server or when using OAuth authentication. Specifying at least CUSTOMFIELDID, or ID is required. |
IssueCustomFields | Query the available Custom Fields in Jira. |
IssueFixVersions | Query the available IssueFixVersions in Jira. |
IssueLinks | Query the available IssueLinks in Jira. |
IssueLinkTypes | Lists all the issue link types. |
IssueNavigatorDefaultColumns | Query the default issue navigator columns. |
IssuePriorities | Query the list of all issue priorities. |
IssueResolutions | Query the list of all issue resolution values. |
IssueSecurityLevelMembers | Query the members of issue security level entities. |
IssueSubtasks | Query the available IssueSubtasks in Jira. |
IssueTransitions | Query the available IssueTransitions in Jira. |
MyPermissions | Query the available Permissions of the current user in Jira. |
PermissionGrants | Query the available permission grants for a permission scheme in Jira. |
Permissions | Query the available Permissions in Jira. |
PermissionSchemes | Query the available permission schemes in Jira. |
ProjectCategories | Query all the project categories. |
ProjectRoles | Query roles for all projects in Jira. |
ProjectsIssueTypes | Query the available Issue Types of projects. |
ProjectsPermissionScheme | Query the available permissions schemes for a project in Jira. |
ProjectTypes | Query the list of all issue priorities. |
SecurityLevels | Query all the created security levels. |
SecuritySchemes | Query all the created security schemes. |
SprintIssues | Query the agile Sprint Issues in Jira. |
Statuses | Query the possible Statuses in Jira. |
TimeTrackingProviders | Query the list of all time tracking providers. |
Votes | Query the available Votes in Jira. |
Watchers | Query the available Watchers in Jira. |
WorkflowStatusCategories | Query the list of all status categories. |
WorkflowStatuses | Query the list of all statuses associated with workflows. |
WorklogDeleted | Queries the deleted worklogs in your Jira account. |