Power BI Connector for Jira

Build 24.0.9060


Query the agile Sprint Issues in Jira.

Table Specific Information


The Jira APIs support the IN operator in filters on SprintId; the connector executes the rest of the filter client side within itself. For example, following query's filter is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM SprintIssues WHERE SprintId = '1' 

Using the IN operator:

SELECT * FROM SprintIssues WHERE SprintId IN (70, 215) 

Note that 'kanban' type boards do not support sprints. You can retrieve all sprint issues faster if you use a filter like the following:

SELECT * FROM SprintIssues WHERE SprintId IN (SELECT Id FROM BoardSprints WHERE BoardId IN (SELECT Id FROM Boards WHERE Type != 'kanban'))


Name Type References SupportedOperators Platform Description
Id [KEY] Integer


Common The Id of the issue.
Key String


= Common The key of the issue.
SprintId [KEY] Integer


=,IN Common The sprint the issue is assigned to.
IssueTypeId String


=,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The issue type Id.
IssueTypeName String =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The issue type name.
StatusId Integer


=,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The issue status Id.
StatusName String =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The issue status name.
ProjectId Integer


=,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The project Id of the issue.
ProjectKey String


=,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The project key of the issue.
ProjectName String =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The project name of the issue.
ClosedSprintsAggregate String Common The issue's previous sprints that have been closed.
Created Datetime =,!=,>,>=,<,<=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The creation date of the issue.
Updated Datetime =,!=,>,>=,<,<=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The updated date of the issue.

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Build 24.0.9060