Power BI Connector for Jira

Build 24.0.9060


Query the agile Sprints related to a Jira Board.

Table Specific Information


The connector uses the Jira API to process some of the filters. The connector processes other filters within the connector.

For example, the following queries are processed server side.

SELECT * FROM BoardSprints WHERE BoardId = 122 

Using BoardId:

SELECT * FROM BoardSprints WHERE BoardId IN (12, 42) 

Boards of type 'kanban' do not support sprints, so you can retrieve all the sprints faster if you use a query like the following:

SELECT * FROM BoardSprints WHERE BoardId IN (SELECT Id FROM Boards WHERE Type != 'kanban') 


Name Type References SupportedOperators Platform Description
Id [KEY] Integer Common The Id of the sprint.
BoardId [KEY] Integer


=,IN Common The board Id the sprint is in.
Name String Common The name of the sprint.
State String = Common The state of the sprint. The sprint state can only transition from 'future' to 'active', and from 'active' to 'close'

The allowed values are future, active, closed.

Goal String Common The goal assigned for the sprint.
OriginBoardId Integer


= Common The board Id the sprint originated from. This field cannot be updated
StartDate Datetime Common The date when the sprint was started.
EndDate Datetime Common The date when the sprint has ended.
CompleteDate Datetime Common The date when the sprint was completed.

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Build 24.0.9060