Power BI Connector for MYOB

Build 24.0.8963


本製品 はMYOB のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。

CData Power BI Connector for MYOB テーブル

Name Description
AccountBudgets Return and update general ledger account budgets.
Accounts Return, update, create and delete accounts for an AccountRight company file.
Activities Return, update, create and delete a list of time billing activities for an AccountRight company file.
ActivitySlips Return, update, create and delete a list of time billing activity slips for an AccountRight company file.
Build Return's Build transaction journals
ContactCustomers Return, update, create and delete a customer contact for an AccountRight company file.
ContactEmployees Return, update, create and delete an employee contact for an AccountRight company file.
ContactPersonals Return, update, create and delete a personal contact for an AccountRight company file.
Contacts Return all contact types for an AccountRight company file. This table has been deprecated, and new tables - ContactSupplier, ContactCustomer, ContactPersonal, and ContactEmployee have been introduced as replacements for it.
ContactSuppliers Return, update, create and delete a supplier contact for an AccountRight company file.
CreditRefunds Return, create and delete credit notes refunded to customers for an AccountRight company file.
CreditSettlements Return, create and delete settled customer credits for an AccountRight company file.
CustomerPayments Return, create and delete customer payments for an AccountRight company file.
DebitRefunds Return all purchase bill types for an AccountRight company file.
DebitSettlements Return, create and delete debit settlements for an AccountRight company file.
EmployeePaymentDetails Return and update employee payment details on employee contact cards for an AccountRight company file.
EmployeePayrollDetails Return and update employee payroll details on employee contact cards for an AccountRight company file.
EmployeeStandardPay Return and update employee standard pay details on employee contact cards for an AccountRight company file.
InventoryAdjustments Return, update, create and delete inventory adjustments for an AccountRight company file.
ItemPriceMatrices Return and update the item price matrix for multiple customer selling prices.
Items Return, update, create and delete inventory items for an AccountRight company file.
JobBudgets Return and update job budgets.
Jobs Return, update, create and delete a job for an AccountRight company file.
Journals Return, update, create and delete general journal transactions for an AccountRight company file.
PayrollWages Return, update, create and delete payroll categories of type wage for an AccountRight company file.
PurchaseBills Return all purchase bill types for an AccountRight company file.
PurchaseOrders Return all purchase order types for an AccountRight company file.
ReceivingTransactions Return, update, create and delete receive money transactions for an AccountRight company file.
SaleInvoices Return all sale invoice types for an AccountRight company file.
SaleOrders Returns all sale order types for an AccountRight company file.
SaleQuotes Return all sale quote types for an AccountRight company file.
SpendingTransactions Return, update, create and delete spend money transactions for an AccountRight company file.
SupplierPayments Return, create and delete supplier payments for an AccountRight company file.
TaxCodes Tax codes for an AccountRight company file.
TimesheetLineEntries Return timesheet entries for an AccountRight company file
TimesheetLineItems Return timesheet entries for an AccountRight company file
Timesheets Return timesheet entries for an AccountRight company file
TransferringTransactions Return, update, create and delete transfer money transactions for an AccountRight company file.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963