Power BI Connector for MYOB

Build 24.0.8963


Return, update, create and delete a list of time billing activity slips for an AccountRight company file.

Table Specific Information


MYOB allows a subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns may be used with the following operators: =, !=, >, <, >=, <=. In addition, queries with multiple criterias can be executed by combining the criteria with AND and OR operators. These columns support the above comparison types for server side filtering: ID, ProviderID, ProviderType, ProviderName, CustomerID, CustomerName, ActivityID, ActivityName, JobID, JobNumber, JobName, HourlySalaryPayrollCategoryType, HourlySalaryPayrollCategoryName. All the other columns and operators are processed client side.

SELECT * FROM ActivitySlips WHERE Rate = 15
SELECT * FROM ActivitySlips WHERE AlreadyBilledAmount = 45.86163291317715


To update an existing activity slip, see below.

UPDATE ActivitySlips SET Rate = 40 WHERE ID = "f979f0e7-1cd8-4fb9-b2c2-9d4546440cf7"


The following attributes are required when performing an insert: ProviderID, CustomerID, ActivityID.

INSERT INTO ActivitySlips (Rate, AlreadyBilledAmount, Date, ProviderID, CustomerID, ActivityID) VALUES (50, 100.50, "01/01/2023", "43d9bef9-4f5e-4ef2-88a8-4d93a0b8866d", "e3b36dea-3720-449c-8cb3-197d3a2e5f4a", "5ec16ddc-3344-4bef-a40d-ddbfd6098914")


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] Uuid True

Unique identifier in the form of a guid.

DisplayID String False

Display ID for the object.

Date Datetime False

The date of the activity slip.

ProviderID Uuid True

Unique provider identifier in the form of a guid.

ProviderDisplayID String False

Display id for the provider.

ProviderType String True

Type of the provider.

ProviderName String True

Name of the provider.

ProviderURI String True

Uniform resource identifier associated with the provider object.

CustomerID Uuid True

Unique customer identifier in the form of a guid.

CustomerDisplayID String False

Display id for the customer.

CustomerName String True

Name of the customer.

CustomerURI String True

Uniform resource identifier associated with the customer object.

ActivityID Uuid True

Unique activity identifier in the form of a guid.

ActivityName String True

Name of the activity.

ActivityURI String True

Uniform resource identifier associated with the activity object.

JobID Uuid True

Unique job identifier in the form of a guid.

JobNumber String True

Display id for the job.

JobName String True

Name of the job.

JobURI String True

Uniform resource identifier associated with the job object.

UnitCount Decimal False

Number of (time) units that the Activity will be billed for (in hours).

Rate Decimal False

The rate that the Activity will be billed at on this Activity Slip.

AdjustmentAmount Decimal False

The Adjustment of how much to bill the customer for in Currency.

AlreadyBilledAmount Decimal False

The Adjustment of how much to bill the customer for in Billing Units.

AdjustmentCount Decimal False

The Adjustment of how much to bill the customer for in Billing Units.

AlreadyBilledCount Decimal False

The amount of Billing Units already billed.

Notes String False

Any notes associated with this Activity Slip.

StartStopDescription String False

The description of the number of hours the Employee spent on this date for each Payroll Category or Activity.

StartTime Datetime False

The exact time this Activity was started.

EndTime Datetime False

The exact time this Activity was ended.

ElapsedTime Integer False

The Elapsed Time for the Activity in Seconds.

HourlySalaryPayrollCategoryID Uuid False

Unique HourlySalaryPayrollCategory identifier in the form of a guid.

HourlySalaryPayrollCategoryType String True

Type of the HourlySalaryPayrollCategory.

HourlySalaryPayrollCategoryName String True

Name of the HourlySalaryPayrollCategory.

HourlySalaryPayrollCategoryURI String True

Uniform resource identifier associated with the HourlySalaryPayrollCategory object.

PaidToEmployeeAmountDecimal Decimal False

The Amount already paid to the Employee for this Activity Slip.

LastModified Datetime False

DateTime of the last time this resource was modified through a direct action to the object. eg a field was updated.

URI String True

Uniform resource identifier encompasses all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the web.

RowVersion String True

Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time.

CompanyFileId String True

The ID of the company file. Takes precedence over the CompanyFileId connection property.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963