JDBC Driver for DocuSign

Build 24.0.8963


The RecipientTabs resource provides methods that let you add, update, and delete tabs from an envelope or template.

View Specific Information

In order to make a successful request on this view, you have to specify:

  • Type - Possible options are envelopes or templates.
  • Id - Id of the envelope or template.
  • RecipientId - Id of the recipient.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecipientTabs WHERE Type = 'templates' AND Id = '32fc6a47-fdd6-40bc-a980-3052d939103e' AND RecipientId = 7296558
SELECT * FROM RecipientTabs WHERE Type = 'envelopes' AND Id = 'e8b0dc7a-e914-42b7-a803-36d69e748993' AND RecipientId = 44407249


Name Type References Description
Id String Id of the Envelope or Template.
Type String Specifies where the tab is applied. Possible options are envelopes or templates
DocumentId String


Specifies the document ID number that the tab is placed on.
RecipientId Integer


Unique for the recipient. It is used by the tab element to indicate which recipient is to sign the Document.
TabId [KEY] String The unique identifier for the tab.
CustomTabId String


The DocuSign generated custom tab ID for the custom tab to be applied.
Name String Name of the tab.
Status String Status of the tab.
TabLabel String The label string associated with the tab.
Font String The font to be used for the tab value.
Bold Boolean When set to true, the information in the tab is bold.
Italic Boolean When set to true, the information in the tab is italic.
Underline Boolean When set to true, the information in the tab is underlined.
FontColor String The font color used for the information in the tab. Possible values are: Black, BrightBlue, BrightRed, DarkGreen, DarkRed, Gold, Green, NavyBlue, Purple, White.
FontSize String The font size used for the information in the tab. Possible values are: Size7, Size8, Size9, Size10, Size11, Size12, Size14, Size16, Size18, Size20, Size22, Size24, Size26, Size28, Size36, Size48, Size72.
TabOrder String A positive integer that sets the order the tab is navigated to during signing.
PageNumber Integer Specifies the page number on which the tab is located. Must be 1 for supplemental documents.
XPosition Integer This indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero.
YPosition Integer This indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position.
AnchorString String Specifies the anchor string.
AnchorXOffset String Specifies the X axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString.
AnchorYOffset String Specifies the Y axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString.
AnchorUnits String Specifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches.
AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent String When set to true, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document.
TemplateLocked Boolean When set to true, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients.
TemplateRequired Boolean When set to true, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients.
ConditionalParentLabel String For conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab's visibility.
ConditionalParentValue String For conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab's visibility.

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Build 24.0.8963