JDBC Driver for DocuSign

Build 24.0.8963


The Documents resource provides methods that manage documents in an envelope or template.

View Specific Information

In order to make a successful request on this view, you have to specify:

  • Type - Possible options are envelopes or templates.
  • Id - Id of the envelope or template.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Documents WHERE Type = 'envelopes' AND Id = '764c564c-b540-42d1-a667-ccee6813ef7b'
SELECT * FROM Documents WHERE Type = 'templates' AND Id = 'd5c67830-b37a-4171-9e87-3de377b35a90'


Name Type References Description
Id String Id of the Envelope or Template.
Type String Specifies where the tab is applied. Possible options are envelopes or templates
DocumentId [KEY] String Specifies the document Id number that the tab is placed on. This must refer to an existing Document's ID attribute.
DocumentName String Specifies the document name.
DocumentType String Specifies the document type.
Uri String Uri of the document.
Display String This string sets the display and behavior properties of the document during signing. The possible values are: modal - The document is shown as a supplement action strip and can be viewed, downloaded, or printed in a modal window. download - The document is shown as a supplement action strip and can be viewed, downloaded, or printed in a new browser window. inline - The document is shown in the normal signing window.
Order Integer An optional value that sets the direction order used to sort the item list. Valid values are: asc = ascending sort order. desc = descending sort order.
Pages String Detail of the pages in a document.
DocumentGroup String Group of the document.
AttachmentTabId String Id of the attachment tab.
AuthoritativeCopy Boolean Specifies whether all documents in this envelope are authoritative copies. A document can set its own authoritativeCopy property to override this value. For example you can set the authoritativeCopy on an envelope level to true but can turn it off for a specific document.
ContainsPdfFormFields String Indicates pdf form fields.
IncludeInDownload Boolean When set to true, the document is included in the combined document download. The default value is true.
SignerMustAcknowledge String Sets how the signer interacts with the supplemental document. The possible values are: no_interaction - No recipient action is required. view- The recipient is required to view the document. accept - The recipient is required to accept the document by selecting accept during signing, but is not required to view the document. view_accept - The recipient is required to view and accept the document.

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Build 24.0.8963