JDBC Driver for Apache Kafka

Build 22.0.8462

Connection String Options

The connection string properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection string for this provider. Click the links for further details.

For more information on establishing a connection, see Establishing a Connection.


AuthSchemeThe scheme used for authentication with the Apache Kafka broker.
UserThe user who is authenticating to Apache Kafka.
PasswordThe password used to authenticate to Apache Kafka.
BootstrapServersThe address of the Apache Kafka BootstrapServers to which you are connecting to.
TopicThe topic used for read and write operations.
UseSSLThis field sets whether SSL is enabled. Automatically enabled if AuthScheme is set to SSL.


ConsumerGroupIdSpecifies which group the consumers created by the driver should belong to.
AutoCommitSpecifies if the Apache Kafka consumer should autocommit after each poll.


KerberosKeytabFileThe Keytab file containing your pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys.
KerberosSPNThe service principal name (SPN) for the Kerberos Domain Controller.
KerberosServiceNameThe name of the Kerberos service you want to authenticate with.
UseKerberosTicketCacheSet this to use a ticket cache with the logged in user instead of a keytab file.


SSLServerCertThe SSL server certificate used to validate to the Apache Kafka broker.
SSLServerCertTypeThe format of the SSL server certificate used to verify the Apache Kafka broker.
SSLServerCertPasswordThe password used to decrypt the certificate in SSLServerCert .
SSLClientCertThe SSL client certificate used to connect to the Apache Kafka broker.
SSLClientCertTypeThe format of the SSL client certificate used to connect to the Apache Kafka broker.
SSLClientCertPasswordThe password used to decrypt the certificate in SSLClientCert .
SSLIdentificationAlgorithmThe endpoint identification algorithm used by the Apache Kafka data provider client app to validate server host name.

Schema Registry

RegistryUrlThe server for the schema registry. When this property is specified, the driver will read Apache Avro schema from the server.
RegistryTypeType of the schema specified for the a specific topic.
RegistryServiceThe Schema Registry service used for working with topic schemas.
RegistryAuthSchemeThe scheme used to authenticate to the schema registry.
RegistryUserUsername to authorize with the server specified in RegistryUrl .
RegistryPasswordPassword to authorize with the server specified in RegistryUrl .
RegistryClientCertThe TLS/SSL client certificate store for SSL Client Authentication (2-way SSL) with the schema registry.
RegistryClientCertTypeThe type of key store used by the TLS/SSL client certificate given in RegistryClientCert .
RegistryClientCertPasswordThe password for the TLS/SSL client certificate given in RegistryClientCert .
RegistryClientCertSubjectThe subject of the TLS/SSL client certificate given in RegistryClientCert .
RegistryVersionVersion of the schema read from RegistryUrl for the specified topic.
RegistryServerCertThe certificate to be accepted from the schema registry when connecting using TLS/SSL.


FirewallTypeThe protocol used by a proxy-based firewall.
FirewallServerThe name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall.
FirewallPortThe TCP port for a proxy-based firewall.
FirewallUserThe user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall.
FirewallPasswordA password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall.


ProxyAutoDetectThis indicates whether to use the system proxy settings or not. This takes precedence over other proxy settings, so you'll need to set ProxyAutoDetect to FALSE in order use custom proxy settings.
ProxyServerThe hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through.
ProxyPortThe TCP port the ProxyServer proxy is running on.
ProxyAuthSchemeThe authentication type to use to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
ProxyUserA user name to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
ProxyPasswordA password to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy.
ProxySSLTypeThe SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy.
ProxyExceptionsA semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer .


LogfileA filepath which designates the name and location of the log file.
VerbosityThe verbosity level that determines the amount of detail included in the log file.
LogModulesCore modules to be included in the log file.
MaxLogFileSizeA string specifying the maximum size in bytes for a log file (for example, 10 MB).
MaxLogFileCountA string specifying the maximum file count of log files.


LocationA path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemasThis property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.
TablesThis property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.
ViewsRestricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.


AutoCacheAutomatically caches the results of SELECT queries into a cache database specified by either CacheLocation or both of CacheConnection and CacheProvider .
CacheDriverThe database driver used to cache data.
CacheConnectionThe connection string for the cache database. This property is always used in conjunction with CacheProvider . Setting both properties will override the value set for CacheLocation for caching data.
CacheLocationSpecifies the path to the cache when caching to a file.
CacheToleranceThe tolerance for stale data in the cache specified in seconds when using AutoCache .
OfflineUse offline mode to get the data from the cache instead of the live source.
CacheMetadataThis property determines whether or not to cache the table metadata to a file store.


AggregateMessagesSpecifies whether or not to return the message as a whole string.
BatchSizeThe maximum size of each batch operation to submit.
CompressionTypeData compression type. Batches of data will be compressed together.
ConnectionLifeTimeThe maximum lifetime of a connection in seconds. Once the time has elapsed, the connection object is disposed.
ConnectOnOpenThis property specifies whether to connect to the Apache Kafka when the connection is opened.
ConsumerPropertiesAdditional options used to configure Kafka consumers.
CreateTablePartitionsThe number of partitions assigned to a topic created with CREATE TABLE.
CreateTableReplicationFactorThe number of replicas assigned to a topic created with CREATE TABLE.
EnableIdempotenceIf set to true, the Apache Kafka will ensure messages are delivered in the correct order, and without duplicates.
FlattenArraysBy default, nested arrays won't show up if TypeDetectionScheme is set to SchemaRegistry. The FlattenArrays property can be used to flatten the elements of nested arrays into columns of their own. Set FlattenArrays to the number of elements you want to return from nested arrays.
GenerateSchemaFilesIndicates the user preference as to when schemas should be generated and saved.
MaximumBatchSizeSpecifies maximum batch size to gather before sending a request.
MaxRowsLimits the number of rows returned rows when no aggregation or group by is used in the query. This helps avoid performance issues at design time.
MessageKeyColumnIf specified, the message key sent to Apache Kafka will be read from this column.
MessageKeyTypeIf MessageKeyColumn is specified, this property must be set to the expected type for the pertinent column.
OffsetResetStrategySpecifies an offset for the consumer group.
OtherThese hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
PoolIdleTimeoutThe allowed idle time for a connection before it is closed.
PoolMaxSizeThe maximum connections in the pool.
PoolMinSizeThe minimum number of connections in the pool.
PoolWaitTimeThe max seconds to wait for an available connection.
ProduceMetaSpecifies whether or not to send a meta message while producing the outgoing message.
ProducerPropertiesAdditional options used to configure Kafka producers.
PseudoColumnsThis property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
ReadDurationThe duration which additional messages are allowed.
ReadonlyYou can use this property to enforce read-only access to Apache Kafka from the provider.
RowScanDepthThe maximum number of messages to scan for the columns available in the topic.
RTKThe runtime key used for licensing.
SerializationFormatSpecifies how to serialize/deserialize the incoming or outgoing message.
TimeoutThe value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
TypeDetectionSchemeComma-separated list of options specifying how the provider will scan the data to determine the fields and datatypes for the bucket.
UseConfluentAvroFormatSpecifies how Avro data should be formatted during an INSERT.
UseConnectionPoolingThis property enables connection pooling.
UserDefinedViewsA filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.
ValidateRegistryTopicsSpecifies whether or not to validate schema registry topics against the Apache Kafka broker. Only has an effect when TypeDetectionScheme =SchemaRegistry.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462