JDBC Driver for Apache Kafka

Build 22.0.8462


Specifies how Avro data should be formatted during an INSERT.

Data Type


Default Value



By default the driver writes out Avro data as a series of file blocks (as defined in the Avro specification). Confluent tools and libraries cannot decode this format and it cannot be used with Confluent schema validation. However, it is more compact because it allows multiple rows of Avro data to be stored in a single message.

Enable this option if you use Confluent schema validation, or otherwise require compatibility with Confluent tools and libraries. Each row inserted into an Avro topic will be a separate message and contain a reference to an schema stored in the registry.

Note that this cannot be enabled if there is no RegistryUrl set or RegistryUrl points to an AWS Glue schema registry. AWS Glue schemas do not support schema IDs which are a key part of how Confluent handles Avro data.

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Build 22.0.8462