Query Twitter list information based on a set of criteria.
View Specific Information
Information on Twitter lists may be obtained in Lists. By default, lists that the authenticated user is subscribed to will appear. Lists may returned in several different ways using both pseudo columns and normal columns.
Specify the Subscriber_Id or Subscriber_Screen_Name in the WHERE clause of the request to return lists that the specified Twitter user is subscribed to. Other pseudo columns may not be used when specifying these values.
Specify the Member_Id or Member_Screen_Name in the WHERE clause of the request to return lists that the specified Twitter user is a member of. Other pseudo columns may not be used when specifying these values.
Specify both the Slug and Owner_User_Id or only the Owner_Screen_Name to return one specific list. This is an alternative to specifying the Id of the list and will return only one result.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The Id of the list. |
Name | String | The name of the list. |
Full_Name | String | The full name of the list. |
Slug | String | The Slug or name of the list. |
Description | String | A description of the list. |
Subscriber_Count | Integer | The number of subscribers to the list. |
Member_Count | Integer | The number of members in the list. |
Created_At | Datetime | When the list was created. |
Following | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the authenticated user is following the list. |
Mode | String | What mode the list is set to. |
Owner_Id | String | User Id for the owner of the list. |
Owner_Name | String | Name for the owner of the list. |
Owner_Screen_Name | String | Screen name for the owner of the list. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
NextPageToken | String | An identifier to retrieve the next page of results. Specify only if an error occurs during the original request. Make sure any criteria specified in the original request are still specified when using the NextPageToken. |
Subscriber_Id | String | Used to retrieve lists the specified User_Id is subscribed to. |
Subscriber_Screen_Name | String | Used to retrieve lists the specified User_Screen_Name is subscribed to. |
Member_Id | String | Used to retrieve lists the specified User_Id is a member of. |
Member_Screen_Name | String | Used to retrieve lists the specified User_Screen_Name is a member of. |
Owner_User_Id | String | Alternative method of specifying a list. Use this with a Slug to specify a list without the List_Id. |
Filter_To_Owned_Lists | Boolean | When set to true or 1 , will return just lists the authenticating user owns, and the user represented by user_id or screen_name is a member of. |