JDBC Driver for QuickBooks

Build 24.0.8963


Create and query QuickBooks Transfer Inventory Line Items. Transfer Inventory is available in only QuickBooks Enterprise 2010 and above, and only with the Advanced Inventory add-on.

Table Specific Information

TransferInventory transactions may be queried via the TransferInventory or TransferInventoryLineItems tables. TransferInventory transactions may be added by using the TransferInventoryLineItems table. Transfer-inventory transactions may be deleted by using the TransferInventory table. Updates to existing TransferInventory transactions are not supported at this time.


By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be honored if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.

QuickBooks allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can only be used with the equals or = comparison. The available columns for the TransferInventory table are Id, TxnDate, TimeModified, and RefNumber. TimeModified and TxnDate may be used with the >, >=, <, <=, or = conditions and may be used twice to specify a range. RefNumber may be used with the = or LIKE conditions to establish a starts-with, ends-with, or contains syntax. For example:

SELECT * FROM TransferInventoryLineItems WHERE TimeModified > '1/1/2011' AND TimeModified < '2/1/2011' AND RefNumber LIKE '%12345%'


To add a TransferInventory transaction, specify a FromInventorySite, ToInventorySite, and at least one Line Item. All Line Item columns can be used for inserting multiple Line Items for a new TransferInventory transaction. For example, the following will insert a new TransferInventory transaction with one Line Items:

INSERT INTO TransferInventoryLineItems#TEMP (FromInventorySiteRef_FullName, ToInventorySiteRef_FullName, ItemRef_FullName, QuantityToTransfer) VALUES ('Site A', 'Site B', 'Cabinets', 10)
INSERT INTO TransferInventoryLineItems#TEMP (FromInventorySiteRef_FullName, ToInventorySiteRef_FullName, ItemRef_FullName, QuantityToTransfer) VALUES ('Site A', 'Site B', 'Door Knobs', 12)
INSERT INTO TransferInventoryLineItems (FromInventorySiteRef_FullName, ToInventorySiteRef_FullName, ItemRef_FullName, QuantityToTransfer ) SELECT FromInventorySiteRef_FullName, ToInventorySiteRef_FullName, ItemRef_FullName, QuantityToTransfer FROM TransferInventoryLineItems#TEMP


Name Type ReadOnly References ColumnSize Description
ID [KEY] String True 255

The unique identifier in the format TransferInventoryId|TransferInventoryLineRet_TxnLineID.

TransferInventoryId String False 255

The item identifier.

TxnDate Date False

The date of the transaction.

TxnNumber Integer True

An identifying number for this transaction.

RefNumber String False 21

The transaction reference number.

FromInventorySiteRef_ListID String False



The site inventory was transfered from.

FromInventorySiteRef_FullName String False 31

The site inventory was transfered from.

ToInventorySiteRef_ListID String False



The site inventory was transfered to.

ToInventorySiteRef_FullName String False 31

The site inventory was transfered to.

Memo String False 5000

Additional information about the transaction.

ExternalGUID String False

Allows for the attachment of a user-defined GUID value.

TransferInventoryLineRet_TxnLineID String True 255

Identifying number for the transaction line.

TransferInventoryLineRet_ItemRef_ListID String False



A reference to the item that was transfered.

TransferInventoryLineRet_ItemRef_FullName String False

Name of the item that was transfered.

TransferInventoryLineRet_FromInventorySiteLocationRef_ListID String False 255

A reference to the location to transfer from.

TransferInventoryLineRet_FromInventorySiteLocationRef_FullName String False

Name of the location to transfer from.

TransferInventoryLineRet_ToInventorySiteLocationRef_ListID String False 255

A reference to the location to transfer to.

TransferInventoryLineRet_ToInventorySiteLocationRef_FullName String False

Name of the location to transfer to.

TransferInventoryLineRet_QuantityToTransfer Double False

Quantity of items to transfer. This is an input only. Check the TransferInventoryLineRet_QuantityTransferred for the response.

TransferInventoryLineRet_QuantityTransferred Double True

Quantity of items that were transfered. This is an output only.

TransferInventoryLineRet_SerialNumber String False 5000

The serial number of the asset.

TransferInventoryLineRet_LotNumber String False 40

A lot number the item is stored on.

TimeCreated Datetime True

The datetime the transaction was made.

TimeModified Datetime True

The last datetime the transaction was modified.

EditSequence String True 16

An identifier used for versioning for this copy of the object.

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Build 24.0.8963