JDBC Driver for QuickBooks

Build 24.0.8963


Query and Insert QuickBooks AR Credit Card Refund transactions.

Table Specific Information

CreditCardRefunds may be inserted or queried via the CreditCardRefunds table. CreditCardRefunds may be deleted by using the CreditCardRefunds table. QuickBooks does not currently support updating CreditCardRefunds.

This table has a Custom Fields column. See the Custom Fields page for more information.


By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be honored if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.

QuickBooks allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only the equals or = comparison. The available columns for ARCreditCardRefunds are Id, Date, ReferenceNumber, and TimeModified. TimeModified and Date may be used with the >, >=, <, <=, or = conditions and may be used twice to specify a range. ReferenceNumber may be used with the = or LIKE conditions to establish a starts-with, ends-with, or contains syntax. For example:

SELECT * FROM CreditCardRefunds WHERE TimeModified > '1/1/2011' AND TimeModified < '2/1/2011' AND ReferenceNumber LIKE '%12345%'


To add a CreditCardRefund, specify a Customer, Date, and at least one reference to a Credit Memo. For example, the following will insert a new CreditCardRefunds:

INSERT INTO CreditCardRefunds#TEMP (CustomerRef_ListID, PaymentMethodRef_ListID, RefundAppliedToTxnAdd_TxnId, RefundAppliedToTxnAdd_RefundAmount) VALUES ('150000-933272658', '1D575-1544895769', '30000-933272660', 200.00)
INSERT INTO CreditCardRefunds (CustomerRef_ListID, PaymentMethodRef_ListID, RefundAppliedToTxnAdd_TxnId, RefundAppliedToTxnAdd_RefundAmount) SELECT CustomerRef_ListID, PaymentMethodRef_ListID, RefundAppliedToTxnAdd_TxnId, RefundAppliedToTxnAdd_RefundAmount FROM CreditCardRefunds#TEMP


Name Type ReadOnly References ColumnSize Description
ID [KEY] String True 255

The unique identifier.

TxnDate Date False

The date of the transaction.

TxnNumber Integer True

The transaction number. An identifying number for the transaction, different from the QuickBooks-generated Id

RefNumber String False 21

The transaction reference number.

CustomerRef_ListID String False



The ID of the customer on the refund. Either CustomerRef_ListID or CustomerRef_ListName must have a value when inserting.

CustomerRef_FullName String False 209

The name of the customer on the refund. Either CustomerRef_ListID or CustomerRef_ListName must have a value when inserting.

RefundFromAccountRef_ListID String False



The Id of the account which is the source of funds for the credit card refund.

RefundFromAccountRef_FullName String False 159

The Name of the account which is the source of funds for the credit card refund.

ARAccountRef_ListID String False



A reference to the accounts-receivable account where the money received from this transaction will be deposited.

ARAccountRef_FullName String False 159

A reference to the accounts-receivable account where the money received from this transaction will be deposited.

TotalAmount Decimal True

Total amount of the refund.

TotalAmountInHomeCurrency Decimal True

Total amount of the refund in home currency.

Address_Addr1 String False 41

First line of the address.

Address_Addr2 String False 41

Second line of the address.

Address_Addr3 String False 41

Third line of the address.

Address_Addr4 String False 41

Fourth line of the address.

Address_Addr5 String False 41

Fifth line of the address.

Address_City String False 31

City name for the address of the check.

Address_State String False 21

State name for the address of the check.

Address_PostalCode String False 13

Postal code for the address of the check.

Address_Country String False 31

Country for the address of the check.

Address_Note String False 41

Note for the address of the check.

PaymentMethodRef_ListID String False



The Id of the Customer's payment method.

PaymentMethodRef_FullName String False 31

The Name of the Customer's payment method.

Memo String False 4095

Additional information about the refund.

RefundAppliedToTxnAggregate String False 5000

An aggregate of the transactions this refund is applied to.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_CreditCardNumber String False 25

The Credit Card Number for the Customer.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_ExpirationMonth Integer False

The month when the credit card expires.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_ExpirationYear Integer False

The year when the credit card expires.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_NameOnCard String False 41

The name on the Customer's credit card.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_CreditCardAddress String False 41

The address associated with this credit card.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_CreditCardPostalCode String False 18

The postal code associated with the address for this credit card.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_CommercialCardCode String False 24

This optional field is used only for Visa and Master Card commercial cards.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_TransactionMode String False 50

Indicates whether this transaction came from a card swipe (CardPresent ) or not (CardNotPresent). Defaults to CardNotPresent

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnInputInfo_CreditCardTxnType String False 50

Indicates from where the current transaction data originated. Values:Authorization, Capture, Charge, Refund, VoiceAuthorization

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_ResultCode Integer False

Contains the status code returned in the original ransaction response.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_ResultMessage String False 60

Contains the status message returned in the original transaction response.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_CreditCardTransID String False 24

The transaction ID is returned from the credit card processor.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_MerchantAccountNumber String False 32

The account number of the merchant who is running the transaction using the customer's credit card.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_AuthorizationCode String False 12

The authorization code is returned from the credit card processor.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_AVSStreet String False 50

Pass if the street address supplied in the transaction request matches the customer's address. Fail if does not match.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_AVSZip String False 50

Pass if the zip supplied in the transaction request matches the customer's zip. Fail if does not match.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_CardSecurityCodeMatch String False 50

Pass if the security colde supplied in the transaction request matches the Credit Card's security Code. Fail if does not match.

CreditCardTxnInfo_CreditCardTxnResultInfo_TxnAuthorizationTime Datetime False

Timestamp indicating the time in which the card processor authorized the transaction.

CustomFields String False 5000

Custom fields returned from QuickBooks and formatted into XML.

CurrencyRef_ListID String True



Name of the currency code used for this refund.

CurrencyRef_Name String True 64

Id of the currency code used for this refund.

ExchangeRate Decimal False

Currency exchange rate for this invoice.

TimeCreated Datetime True

The datetime the transaction was made.

TimeModified Datetime True

The last datetime the transaction was modified.

EditSequence String True 16

An identifier used for versioning for this copy of the object.


Pseudo Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
RefundAppliedToTxnAdd_TxnID String

The Id of the transaction to apply the refund to. Required on Inserts.

RefundAppliedToTxnAdd_RefundAmount Decimal

The Amount of the refund to apply to the transaction. Required on Inserts.

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Build 24.0.8963