ADO.NET Provider for QuickBooks

Build 24.0.8964


Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Vendor Credits.

Table Specific Information

VendorCredits may be inserted, updated, or queried via the VendorCredits, VendorCreditExpenseItems, or VendorCreditLineItems tables. VendorCredits may be deleted by using the VendorCredits table.

This table has a Custom Fields column. See the Custom Fields page for more information.


By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be honored if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.

QuickBooks allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can only be used with the equals or = comparison. The available columns for VendorCredits are Id, Date, TimeModified, VendorName, VendorId, AccountsPayableId, and AccountsPayableName. TimeModified and Date may be used with the >, >=, <, <=, or = conditions and may be used twice to specify a range. ReferenceNumber may be used with the = or LIKE conditions to establish a starts-with, ends-with, or contains syntax. For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorCredits WHERE TimeModified > '1/1/2011' AND TimeModified < '2/1/2011' AND ReferenceNumber LIKE '%12345%'


To add a VendorCredit, specify a Vendor and at least one Expense or Line Item. The ItemAggregate and ExpenseAggregate columns may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item or Expense Item data. The columns that may be used in these aggregates are defined in the VendorCreditLineItems and VendorCreditExpenseItems tables and it starts with Item and Expense. For example, the following will insert a new VendorCredit with two Line Items:

INSERT INTO VendorCredits (VendorName, ItemAggregate) 
VALUES ('A Cheung Limited', 

To insert subitems, set the ItemName field to the FullName of the item; for example, '<Row><ItemName>Subs:Carpet</ItemName><ItemQuantity>0</ItemQuantity></Row>'


Name Type ReadOnly References ColumnSize Description
ID [KEY] String True

The refId of the record.

VendorName String False 1000

Vendor for this transaction. Either VendorName or VendorId is required to have a value when inserting.

VendorId String False



Vendor for this transaction. Either VendorName or VendorId is required to have a value when inserting.

Date Date False

Date of the transaction. If it is set in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query, the pseudo columns StartDate and EndDate are overwritten with the value.

TxnNumber Integer True

The transaction number. An identifying number for the transaction, different from the QuickBooks-generated Id.

ReferenceNumber String False 21

Reference number for the transaction.

AccountsPayable String False 1000

Reference to the accounts-payable account.

AccountsPayableId String False



Reference to the accounts-payable account.

Amount Decimal True

Amount of the transaction.

Memo String False 5000

Memo for the transaction.

IsTaxIncluded Boolean False

Determines if tax is included in the transaction amount.

TaxCode String False 3

The type of sales tax that will be charged for this vendor credit.

TaxCodeId String False



The type of sales tax that will be charged for this vendor credit.

ExchangeRate String False

Indicates the exchange rate for the transaction.

ItemCount Integer True

The count of line items.

ItemAggregate String False 5000

An aggregate of the line item data which can be used for adding a vendor credit and its line item data.

ExpenseItemCount Integer True

The count of expense line items.

ExpenseItemAggregate String False 5000

An aggregate of the line item data which can be used for adding a VendorCredit and its expense item data.

TransactionCount Integer True

The count of related transactions to the bill.

TransactionAggregate String True 5000

An aggregate of the linked transaction data.

CustomFields String False

Custom fields returned from QuickBooks and formatted into XML.

TimeModified Datetime True

When the vendor credit was last modified.

TimeCreated Datetime True

When the vendor credit was created.


Pseudo Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Item* String

All line-item-specific columns may be used in insertions.

Expense* String

All expense-item-specific columns may be used in insertions.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8964