Tableau Connector for QuickBooks Online

Build 24.0.8963


Create and query the QuickBooks RecurringTransactions Journal Entry Line Items.

Table Specific Information

RecurringJournalEntryTransactions may be inserted or queried via the RecurringJournalEntryTransactions or RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems tables.


SELECT * FROM RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems


To add a RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems following fields needs to be added:

  • There must be at least one credit line and at least one debit line where the total of the debit and credit Lines are equal to each other.
  • It must have a RecurringInfo.

INSERT INTO RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems (JournalEntry_Line_Id, JournalEntry_Line_Description, JournalEntry_Line_Amount, JournalEntry_Line_DetailType, JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType, JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Name, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_RecurType, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Active, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate, JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate) VALUES ('1', 'HELLOAPP1', 1001, 'JournalEntryLineDetail', 'Credit', '99', 'HELLOAPP3', 'Reminded', false, 'Monday', 'Weekly', 2,  'Tuesday', '100', '2021-01-23', '2021-01-23', '2021-01-23')


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Sortable Description
JournalEntry_Line_Id [KEY] String False False False

The Id of the recurring transaction line item for the journal entry.

JournalEntry_Id [KEY] String False


True True

The Id of the Recurring Transaction.

JournalEntry_SyncToken String True False False

The Version number of the object.

JournalEntry_MetaData_CreateTime Datetime True True True

The time the record was created.

JournalEntry_MetaData_LastUpdatedTime Datetime True True True

The time the record was last updated.

JournalEntry_CurrencyRef String False False False

The Id of the currency used in the transaction.

JournalEntry_CurrencyRef_Name String True False False

The name of the currency used in the transaction.

JournalEntry_Line_Description String False False False

A description of the line item that appears in the printed record.

JournalEntry_Line_Amount Decimal False False False

The amount of the line item.

JournalEntry_Line_DetailType String False False False

The detail type of the line item. Different detail types indicate different types of line items.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_PostingType String False False False

This field indicates the posting type of the line item of the journal entry detail.

The allowed values are Credit, Debit.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_Type String False False False

The type of the entity to be referenced.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef String False False False

The Id of the entity to be referenced.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_Entity_EntityRef_Name String True False False

The name of the entity to be referenced.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef String False


False False

The Id of the account associated with the journal entry line item.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_AccountRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the account associated with the journal entry line item.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_ClassRef String False


False False

The Id of the class associated with the journal entry line item.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_ClassRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the class associated with the journal entry line.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_DepartmentRef String False


False False

The Id of the department associated with the journal entry line.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_DepartmentRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the department associated with the journal entry line.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxCodeRef String False


False False

The sales or purchase tax code associated with the journal entry line. This field is used for non-U.S., non-Canadian companies. This field is valid for the UK edition.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxApplicableOn String False False False

This field indicates whether the tax applicable to the line item is sales or purchase tax. This field is valid for the UK edition.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_TaxAmount Decimal False False False

The tax applicable for this line item. This field is valid for the UK and AU editions.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_BillableStatus String False False False

The billable status of the journal entry line. The line is to be billed to a customer if the account is an expense account and the Entity Reference specifies a Customer or a Job.

The allowed values are Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_JournalCodeRef String False False False

The Id of the journal code to be referenced.

JournalEntry_Line_JournalEntryLineDetail_JournalCodeRef_Name String True False False

The name of the journal code to be referenced.

JournalEntry_RecurDataRef String True False False

The Recurrence Data reference.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Name String False False False

The Recurring Info name.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_RecurType String False False False

The Recurring Info recurring type.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_Active Boolean False False False

The Recurring Info is active or not.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfWeek String False False False

The Recurring Info day of week.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_IntervalType String False False False

The Recurring Info interval type.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_WeekOfMonth String False False False

The Recurring Info week of month.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NumInterval Integer False False False

The Recurring Info num interval.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_DayOfMonth String False False False

The Recurring Info day of month.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_MaxOccurrences String False False False

The max number of recurring occurrences.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_StartDate Datetime False False False

The Recurring Info start date.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_NextDate Datetime False False False

The Recurring Info next date.

JournalEntry_RecurringInfo_ScheduleInfo_PreviousDate Datetime False False False

The Recurring Info previous date.

JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef String False


False False

The transaction tax code.

JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax String False False False

Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list.

JournalEntry_TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate String False False False

An XML aggregate of tax line items.

JournalEntry_TotalAmt Decimal True False False

The total bill amount.

JournalEntry_Adjustment Boolean True False False

Is adjustment done or not.

JournalEntry_ExchangeRate Decimal False False False

The currency exchange rate. This field is only valid if the company file uses the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions.

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Build 24.0.8963