JDBC Driver for QuickBooks Online

Build 24.0.9175


Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Orders.

Table Specific Information

PurchaseOrders may be inserted, queried, or updated via the PurchaseOrders or PurchaseOrderLineItems tables. PurchaseOrders may be deleted by using the PurchaseOrders table.


All filterable columns support the following operators:

  • =
  • !=
  • >=
  • <=
  • >
  • <
  • IN
  • LIKE

The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.

The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.


To add a PurchaseOrder, specify the Vendor, TotalAmt, and at least one Line Item. The LineAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. Each _ denotes hierarchy. Use <Line> at the base level. The contents of LineAggregate will be sent to the API as is. All values for each field in the aggregate should adhere to the API's specifications (e.g. for dates in format yyyy-MM-dd, for date times in format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz). The columns that may be used in the aggregates begin with the prefix 'Line_' to indicate they are part of the line item. Use the Line_ column along with the DocNumber to indicate which lines go with which PurchaseOrders. For example:

INSERT INTO PurchaseOrders (VendorRef, TotalAmt, LineAggregate) 
VALUES ('21', '0.03', '


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Sortable Description
Id [KEY] String True True True

The Id of the purchase order.

SyncToken String True False False

Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online.

MetaData_CreateTime Datetime True True True

The time the record was created.

MetaData_LastUpdatedTime Datetime True True True

The time the record was last updated.

DocNumber String False True True

The reference number for the transaction.

TxnDate Date False True True

The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred.

PrivateNote String False False False

A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default.

LinkedTxnAggregate String False False False

An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate.

LineAggregate String False False False

An XML aggregate of line items in the transaction.

VendorRef String False


False False

The Id of the vendor.

VendorRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the vendor.

APAccountRef String False


True True

The Id of the accounts-payable account to which the bill is credited. This account is implied when a company has a single accounts-payable account. When specified, the account must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables.

APAccountRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the accounts-payable account to which the bill is credited. This account is implied when a company has a single accounts-payable account. When specified, the account must be a Liability account and the subtype must be of type Payables.

TotalAmt Decimal True True True

The total amount due, determined by the sum of the line item amounts. This includes all charges, allowances, taxes, and discounts.

VendorAddr_Id String True False False

Id of the Intuit entity for the vendor address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service.

VendorAddr_Line1 String True False False

First line of the address.

VendorAddr_Line2 String True False False

Second line of the address.

VendorAddr_Line3 String True False False

Third line of the address.

VendorAddr_Line4 String True False False

Fourth line of the address.

VendorAddr_Line5 String True False False

Fifth line of the address.

VendorAddr_City String True False False

City name.

VendorAddr_Country String True False False

Country name.

VendorAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode String True False False

Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada.

VendorAddr_PostalCode String True False False

Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada.

VendorAddr_Note String True False False

Note for the customer.

VendorAddr_Lat String True False False

Latitude coordinate of the geocoded vendor address.

VendorAddr_Long String True False False

Longitude coordinate of the geocoded vendor address.

ShipAddr_Id String False False False

Id of the Intuit entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. Read-only; assigned by the data service.

ShipAddr_Line1 String False False False

First line of the address.

ShipAddr_Line2 String False False False

Second line of the address.

ShipAddr_Line3 String False False False

Third line of the address.

ShipAddr_Line4 String False False False

Fourth line of the address.

ShipAddr_Line5 String False False False

Fifth line of the address.

ShipAddr_City String False False False

City name.

ShipAddr_Country String False False False

Country name.

ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode String False False False

Region within a country. For example, state name for USA, province name for Canada.

ShipAddr_PostalCode String False False False

Postal code. For example, zip code for USA and Canada.

ShipAddr_Note String False False False

Note for the customer.

ShipAddr_Lat String False False False

Latitude coordinate of the Geocode (Geospacial Entity Object Code).

ShipAddr_Long String False False False

Longitude coordinate of the Geocode (Geospacial Entity Object Code).

ShipMethodRef String False False False

Reference type of all Ids that are taken as input or output.

ShipMethodRef_Name String True False False

Reference type of all Ids that are taken as input or output.

POStatus String False False False

Enumeration of the purchase order status.

The allowed values are Open, Closed.

POEmail_Address String False False False

Enumeration of the purchase order status.

The allowed values are Open, Closed.

TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef String False


False False

The tax code of the transaction.

TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax String False False False

Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list.

TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate String False False False

An XML aggregate of tax line items.

TaxCodeRef String False


False False

The tax code for the purchase. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions.

CurrencyRef String False False False

The Id of the currency used in the transaction.

CurrencyRef_Name String True False False

The name of the currency used in the transaction.

ExchangeRate Decimal False False False

Currency exchange rate. This field is valid only if the company file is set up to use the multicurrency feature. In QuickBooks, exchange rates are always recorded as the number of home currency units it takes to equal one foreign currency unit. This field is available for the UK, AU, and CA editions.

GlobalTaxCalculation String False False False

The method used to apply the tax. This field is valid in the UK, AU, and CA editions.

The allowed values are TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175