JDBC Driver for QuickBooks Online

Build 24.0.9175


Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Items.


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Sortable Description
Id [KEY] String True True True

The Id of the item.

SyncToken String True False False

Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online.

MetaData_CreateTime Datetime True True True

The time the record was created.

MetaData_LastUpdatedTime Datetime True True True

The time the record was last updated.

Name String False True True

The name of the item.

FullyQualifiedName String False False False

The fully qualified name of the item. The fully qualified name consists the topmost parent element followed by each subelement and separated by colons. For example: Parent:Account1:SubAccount1:SubAccount2.

Description String False False False

The description for the item that describes the details of the service or product.

Active Boolean False True False

This column sets whether the item active. Inactive items may be hidden from display and are not used in financial transactions.

ParentRef String False


False True

The Id of the parent entity of the item. If SubItem is true, then ParenRef is required.

ParentRef_Name String True


False False

A name that identifies the parent entity of the item. If SubItem is true, then ParenRef is required.

PrefVendorRef String False


False True

The Id of the vendor entity of the item.

PrefVendorRef_Name String False


False False

A name that identifies the vendor entity of the item.

SubItem Boolean False False False

This field indicates whether the item is a subitem. A value of false or null indicates a top-level item.

UnitPrice Decimal False False True

Monetary value of the service or product, expressed in the home currency.

Type String False True True

Classification that specifies the use of this item.

The allowed values are Inventory, NonInventory, Service, Category, Group.

Taxable Boolean False False False

This field indicates whether the item is subject to tax.

AssetAccountRef String False


False False

The Id of the inventory asset account. If the same inventory asset account is assigned for individual items, the current balance of that account will show the current total value of the inventory. However, individual items may have different account.

AssetAccountRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the inventory asset account. If the same inventory asset account is assigned for individual items, the current balance of that account will show the current total value of the inventory. However, individual items may have different accounts.

IncomeAccountRef String False


False False

The Id of the account that records the proceeds from the sale of this item.

IncomeAccountRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the account that records the proceeds from the sale of this item.

PurchaseDesc String False False False

The purchase description for the item.

PurchaseCost Decimal False False False

The amount paid when buying or ordering the item, as expressed in the home currency.

ExpenseAccountRef String False


False False

The Id of the expense account associated with the purchase item.

ExpenseAccountRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the expense account reference associated with the purchase item.

QtyOnHand Double False False True

The current quantity of the inventory items available for sale.

ReorderPoint Double False False False

The minimum quantity of a product to have on hand.

InvStartDate Date False False False

The date to start tracking inventory. Required if TrackQtyOnHand is set.

SalesTaxCodeRef String False


False False

The sales tax code for the item.

PurchaseTaxCodeRef String False


False False

The purchase tax code for the item.

TrackQtyOnHand Boolean False False False

This field indicates whether there is quantity on hand to be tracked.

Level Integer True False False

The level of the item. The value 0 indicates the top-level parent. Otherwise, this field specifies the depth from the top parent.

Sku String False True False

The stock keeping unit (SKU) for this Item. This is a company-defined identifier for an item or product used in tracking inventory.

SalesTaxIncluded Boolean False False False

This field indicates whether the sales tax is included in the item amount, and therefore not calculated for the transaction.

PurchaseTaxIncluded Boolean False False False

This field indicates whether the purchase tax is included in the item amount, and therefore not calculated for the transaction.

ItemGroupDetail_ItemGroupLineAggregate String True False False

One or more Item objects that comprise a bundle.

ClassRef String False


False False

The ID for the referenced object as found in the Id field of the object payload.

ClassRef_Name String False


False False

An identifying name for the object being referenced by value.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175