ADO.NET Provider for QuickBooks Online

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Line Items.

Table Specific Information

Bills may be inserted, updated, or queried via the Bills or BillLineItems tables. Bills may be deleted by using the Bills table.


All filterable columns support the following operators:

  • =
  • !=
  • >=
  • <=
  • >
  • <
  • IN
  • LIKE

The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.


To add a Bill, specify the Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef, VendorRef.For example, the following will insert a new Bill with two Line Items:

INSERT INTO BillLineItems (Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef, VendorRef) VALUES ('4.04', 'AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail', '7', '36')

INSERT INTO BillLineItems#TEMP (Line_Amount, Line_DetailType, Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef, VendorRef) VALUES ('4.04', 'AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail', '7', '36')
      INSERT INTO Bills ( VendorRef, Id, DocNumber, TxnDate, PrivateNote, LineAggregate) VALUES ('36', '6704', '66', '1/1/2040', 'AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail', BillLineItems#TEMP)


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Sortable Description
LineId [KEY] String True False False

The Id of the line item of the bill.

BillId [KEY] String False


True True

The Id of the bill.

SyncToken String True False False

Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online.

MetaData_CreateTime Datetime True True True

The time the record was created.

MetaData_LastUpdatedTime Datetime True True True

The time the record was last updated.

DocNumber String False True True

The reference number for the transaction.

TxnDate Date False True True

The date of the transaction. This field is often the date when the transaction was entered into the system, but it is not required to be. If the date is not supplied, the current date on the server is used. For posting transactions, this is the posting date that affects financial statements.

PrivateNote String False False False

A private note about the transaction. By default, this note will not appear on the transaction records.

LinkedTxnAggregate String False False False

An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate.

Line_Id String False False False

The Id of the line item.

Line_Amount Decimal False False False

The total amount of the charges and discounts for the line item. This includes charges and allowances but excludes the tax amount.

Line_Description String False False False

The line description.

Line_DetailType String False False False

The detail type of the line item.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef String False


False False

The Id of the class entity of the expense.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the class entity of the expense.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef String False


False False

The customer Id for the expense.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name String True


False False

The customer name for the expense.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef String False


False False

The Id of the expense account of the expense.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the expense account of the expense.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef String False


False False

The sales tax code for the expense.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxAmount Decimal False False False

Sales tax paid as part of the expense.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxInclusiveAmt Decimal False False False

The total amount of the line item including tax.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus String False False False

The billable status of the expense.

The allowed values are Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value Decimal True False False

Markup value.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent Double False False False

Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01.

Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef String False False False

The Id of the entity for the price level for the markup.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef String False


False False

The Id of the item associated with the expense.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the item associated with the expense.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef String False


False False

The Id of the class for the line item.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the class for the line item.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_UnitPrice Decimal False False False

The unit price of the subject item as referenced.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_Qty Double False False False

Number of items for the line.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef String False


False False

The customer Id for the expense.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name String True


False False

The customer name for the expense.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef String False


False False

The sales tax code for the expense.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus String False False False

The billable status of the expense.

The allowed values are Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBill.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Value Double True False False

Markup value.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_Percent Double False False False

Markup amount expressed as a percent of charges already entered in the current transaction. To enter a rate of 10% use 10.0, not 0.01.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef String False False False

The Id of the entity for the price level for the markup.

Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_MarkupInfo_PriceLevelRef_Name String True False False

A name that identifies the price level for the markup.

VendorRef String False


True True

The Id of the vendor.

VendorRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the vendor.

APAccountRef String False


True True

The Id of the accounts-payable account.

APAccountRef_Name String True


False False

The name of the accounts-payable account.

TotalAmt Decimal False True True

The total amount of the bill, determined by taking the sum of all the line items of the bill.

SalesTermRef String False


True True

The Id of the sales term.

SalesTermRef_Name String True


False False

A name that identifies the sales term.

DueDate Date False True True

The due date of the bill. This date excludes early payment discount incentives and late payment penalties.

Balance Decimal True True False

The unpaid amount of the bill. When paid in full this value is 0.

DepartmentRef String False


False False

The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction.

DepartmentRef_Name String True


False False

A name that identifies the department.

TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef String False


False False

The tax code of the transaction.

TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax String False False False

The tax calculated for the transaction. This value excludes any tax line items that have been manually inserted into the transaction.

TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate String False False False

An XML aggregate of the tax line items.

CurrencyRef String False False False

The Id of the currency used in the transaction.

CurrencyRef_Name String True False False

A name that identifies the currency of the transaction.

ExchangeRate Decimal False False False

The number of home currency units required to equal one foreign currency unit. This column is available only if the company file is using the multicurrency feature and is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions.

GlobalTaxCalculation String False False False

The method used to apply taxes. This column is available in only the UK, AU, and CA editions.

The allowed values are TaxExcluded, TaxInclusive, NotApplicable.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963