JDBC Driver for QuickBooks Online

Build 22.0.8675


The driver models the data in QuickBooks Online into a list of tables that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Generally, querying QuickBooks Online tables is the same as querying a table in a relational database. Sometimes there are special cases, for example, including a certain column in the WHERE clause might be required to get data for certain columns in the table. This is typically needed for situations where a separate request must be made for each row to get certain columns. These types of situations are clearly documented at the top of the table page linked below.

CData JDBC Driver for QuickBooks Online Tables

Name Description
Accounts Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Accounts.
AttachableRefs Attachables
Attachables Attachables
BillLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Line Items.
BillLinkedTransactions Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items.
BillPaymentLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Payment Line Items.
BillPayments Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bill Payments.
Bills Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Bills.
BudgetDetails Query QuickBooks BudgetDetails.
Budgets Query QuickBooks Budgets.
Class Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Classes.
CompanyCurrency Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks CompanyCurrency. Applicable only for those companies that enable multicurrency, a companycurrency object defines a currency that is active in the QuickBooks Online company. One or more companycurrency objects are active based on the company's multicurrency business requirements and correspond to the list displayed by the Currency Center in the QuickBooks Online UI.
CompanyInfo Retrieve information about the QuickBooks company.
CreditMemoLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Credit Memo Line Items.
CreditMemos Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Credit Memos.
Customers Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Customers.
Departments Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Departments.
DepositLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Deposit Line Items.
Deposits Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Deposits.
Employees Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Employees.
EstimateLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimate Line Items.
EstimateLinkedTransactions Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimate Line Items.
Estimates Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Estimates.
ExchangeRates Retrieves QuickBooks exchange rates.
InvoiceLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items.
InvoiceLinkedTransactions Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items.
Invoices Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoices.
Items Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Items.
JournalCode Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Codes.
JournalEntries Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Entries.
JournalEntryLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Journal Entry Line Items.
PaymentLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payment Line Items.
PaymentMethods Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payment Methods.
Payments Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Payments.
Preferences Query QuickBooks Preferences. The Preferences table contains settings for company-wide preferences, which affect all users.
PurchaseLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Line Items.
PurchaseOrderLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Order Line Items.
PurchaseOrderLinkedTransactions Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Invoice Line Items.
PurchaseOrders Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchase Orders.
Purchases Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Purchases.
RecurringCreditMemoTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Credit Memos.
RecurringCreditMemoTransactionsLineItems Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Credit Memo Line Items.
RecurringDepositTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Deposits.
RecurringDepositTransactionsLineItems Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Deposit Line Items.
RecurringEstimateTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Estimates.
RecurringEstimateTransactionsLineItems Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction Line Items for Estimate.
RecurringInvoiceTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Invoice.
RecurringInvoiceTransactionsLineItems Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction Line Items for Invoice.
RecurringJournalEntryTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Journal Entry.
RecurringJournalEntryTransactionsLineItems Create and query the QuickBooks RecurringTransactions Journal Entry Line Items.
RecurringPurchaseTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Purchases.
RecurringPurchaseTransactionsLineItems Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Purchase Line Items.
RecurringRefundReceiptTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for RefundReceipts.
RecurringRefundReceiptTransactionsLineItems Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for RefundReceiptLineItems.
RecurringSalesReceiptTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Sales Receipt.
RecurringSalesReceiptTransactionsLineItems Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transaction for Sales Receipt Line Items.
RecurringTransferTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Transfers
RecurringVendorCreditTransactions Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Vendor Credits.
RecurringVendorCreditTransactionsLineItems Create and query QuickBooks Recurring Transactions for Vendor Credit Line Items.
RefundReceiptLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks RefundReceiptLineItems.
RefundReceipts Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks RefundReceipts.
SalesReceiptLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Sales Receipt Line Items.
SalesReceipts Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Sales Receipts.
TaxAgency Create and Query QuickBooks Tax Agency.
TaxCodes Create and query QuickBooks Sales Tax Codes.
TaxRates Create and query QuickBooks Tax Rates.
Terms Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Terms.
TimeActivities Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Time Activities.
Transfers Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Transfers
VendorCreditLineItems Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Vendor Credit Line Items.
VendorCredits Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Vendor Credits.
Vendors Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Vendors.

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Build 22.0.8675