ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce

Build 24.0.9029


This is a table representing the Case entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Case.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CaseNumber String True

Label Case Number corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

AccountId String False


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

AssetId String False


Label Asset ID corresponds to this field.

SuppliedName String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

SuppliedEmail String False

Label Email Address corresponds to this field.

SuppliedPhone String False

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

SuppliedCompany String False

Label Company corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Case Type corresponds to this field.

RecordTypeId String False


Label Record Type ID corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

Reason String False

Label Case Reason corresponds to this field.

Origin String False

Label Case Origin corresponds to this field.

Subject String False

Label Subject corresponds to this field.

Priority String False

Label Priority corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

IsClosed Boolean True

Label Closed corresponds to this field.

ClosedDate Datetime True

Label Closed Date corresponds to this field.

IsEscalated Boolean False

Label Escalated corresponds to this field.

HasCommentsUnreadByOwner Boolean True

Label New Self-Service Comment corresponds to this field.

HasSelfServiceComments Boolean True

Label Self-Service Commented corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False

Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

EngineeringReqNumber__c String False

Label Engineering Req Number corresponds to this field.

Product__c String False

Label Product corresponds to this field.

SLAViolation__c String False

Label SLA Violation corresponds to this field.

PotentialLiability__c String False

Label Potential Liability corresponds to this field.

TCO_Presentation__c Datetime False

Label TCO_Presentation corresponds to this field.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9029