CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


The 本製品 models the entities for which Zoho Projects provides full or limited CRUD support as tables.

It models each portal tied to your account as a schema with the following tables.

Navigate to an individual table's page for a breakdown of its columns, as well as its supported filters and CRUD operations.

CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects テーブル

Name Description
Contacts Fetches all client contacts from a portal.
PortalClients Returns the list of client companies in the portal.
ProjectGroups Gets all the groups for the specified project.
Projects Gets all the projects for the logged in user.
Tags Fetches all the tags present in a specific portal.
Teams Fetch the team details from the portal.
Users Gets the details of all the users in a specific project.

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Build 24.0.9111