CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


Returns the list of client companies in the portal.


You can use the below query to get all Portal Clients:
SELECT * FROM PortalClients


To create a new PortalClient you can specify the following fields:

  • Name
  • City
  • Country
  • State
  • FirstAddress
  • SecondAddress
  • WebAddress
  • ZipCode
  • UserEmail
  • WorkProjects
  • PrimaryClient

INSERT INTO PortalClients (Name, UserEmail, WebAddress, FirstAddress, SecondAddress, City, State, Country, PrimaryClient, ZipCode)
VALUES ('Company12', '[email protected]', '', 'Address line 1', 'Address line 2', 'Budapest', 'Hungary', 'Hungary', 'Yes', '1025')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Client Id.

Name String False

Client Name.

City String False

Client City.

Country String False

Client Country.

State String False

Client State.

CrmAccountId String False

Client Crm Account Id.

FirstAddress String False

Client First Address.

SecondAddress String False

Client Second Address.

WebAddress String False

Client Web Address.

ZipCode String False

Client Zip Code.

UserId String False

Client User Id.

UserName String False

Client User Name.

UserEmail String False

Client User Email.

UserZpuid String False

Client User Zpuid.

WorkProjects String False

Client Work Projects.

PrimaryClient String False

Client Primary Client.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。Yes, No

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Build 24.0.9111