ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175

SCM Common

In the Oracle SCM Common data model, the provider models data such as shifts, schedules and workday patterns as an easy-to-use SQL database. Live connectivity to these objects means that any changes to your Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM account are immediately reflected in the provider.


The Views section, which lists read-only SQL tables, contains samples of what you might have access to in your Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM account.

Common views include:

View Description
B2bApplicationPartners Provides details of cross-referenced entities, such as customers or suppliers, involved in B2B message processing in Oracle Fusion applications.
B2bTradingPartners Details external entities, such as customers and suppliers, involved in B2B message exchanges within Oracle Fusion applications.
B2bMessageTransactions Manages B2B messages exchanged between Oracle Fusion applications and trading partners using the Collaboration Messaging Framework.
B2bMessageTransactionsdeliveryAttempts Tracks reprocessed messages that failed or encountered errors during delivery attempts in the Collaboration Messaging Framework.
B2bTradingPartnersdocuments Manages documents exchanged with trading partners for B2B message processing.
B2bTradingPartnersdeliveryMethods Specifies communication methods between the Collaboration Messaging Framework and trading partners for message exchange.
B2bTradingPartnersoutboundCollaborationMessages Provides details of outbound messages sent to trading partners from the Collaboration Messaging Framework.
B2bTradingPartnersinboundCollaborationMessages Details inbound messages received from trading partners by the Collaboration Messaging Framework.
Carriers Manages carrier entities used for shipping, including shipping methods, contacts, and tracking rules.
CarriersshippingMethods Defines shipping methods, including transport modes and service levels, offered by carriers.
Carrierscontacts Stores contact information associated with carriers.
InventoryOrganizations Manages subsets of organizations for logistics, manufacturing, or asset management purposes.
InventoryOrganizationsinvOrgParameters Handles default values for transactions within specific inventory organizations.
ItemUnitOfMeasureConversions Provides unit conversion details for items to facilitate accurate transaction reporting.
UnitsOfMeasure Defines and manages the units of measure that can be used in transactions across applications, ensuring consistency and compatibility.
StandardLookupsLOV Provides lists of standard lookup codes and their translated meanings for reference.
Schedules Manages schedules defining working and non-working times for various business objects.
ScheduleExceptions Defines global schedule changes, such as holidays, applicable to assigned schedules.
Shifts Defines shifts representing working and non-working times within schedules.
WorkdayPatterns Defines workday patterns by detailing shifts and active days, forming the foundation for scheduling and time management.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are actions that are invoked via SQL queries. They perform tasks beyond standard CRUD operations, including resubmiting and reprocessing messages.

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Build 24.0.9175