Excel Add-In for Reckon Accounts Hosted

Build 23.0.8839


Create, update, delete, and query Reckon Estimates.

Table Specific Information

Estimates may be inserted, queried, or updated via the Estimates or EstimateLineItems tables. Estimates may be deleted by using the Estimates table.

This table has a Custom Fields column. See the Custom Fields page for more information.


By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be honored if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.

Reckon Accounts Hosted allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only the equals or = comparison. The available columns for Estimates are Id, Date, TimeModified, ReferenceNumber, CustomerName, and CustomerId. TimeModified and Date may be used with the >, >=, <, <=, or = conditions and may be used twice to specify a range. ReferenceNumber may be used with the = or LIKE conditions to establish a starts-with, ends-with, or contains syntax. For example:

SELECT * FROM Estimates WHERE TimeModified > '1/1/2011' AND TimeModified < '2/1/2011' AND ReferenceNumber LIKE '%12345%'


To add an Estimate, specify a Customer and at least one Line Item. The ItemAggregate column may be used to specify an XML aggregate of Line Item data. The columns that may be used in these aggregates are defined in the EstimateLineItems table and it starts with Item. For example, the following will insert a new Estimate with two Line Items:

INSERT INTO Estimates (CustomerName, ItemAggregate) 
VALUES ('Abercrombie, Kristy', 
To insert subitems, set the ItemName field to the FullName of the item; for example, '<Row><ItemName>Subs:Carpet</ItemName><ItemQuantity>0</ItemQuantity></Row>'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ID [KEY] String True

The unique identifier.

ReferenceNumber String False

Transaction reference number.

TxnNumber Integer True

The transaction number. An identifying number for the transaction, different from the Reckon-generated Id.

CustomerName String False


Customer name this transaction is recorded under. This is required to have a value when inserting.

CustomerId String False


Customer Id this transaction is recorded under. This is required to have a value when inserting.

Date Date False

Transaction date.

Memo String False

Memo regarding this transaction.

TotalAmount Double True

Total amount for this transaction.

Message String False


Message to the customer.

MessageId String False


Message to the customer.

Class String False


A reference to the class of the transaction.

ClassId String False


A reference to the class of the transaction.

SalesRep String False


Reference to (initials of) the sales rep.

SalesRepId String False


Reference to (initials of) the sales rep.

FOB String False

Freight on board: The place to ship from.

BillingAddress String True

Full billing address returned by Reckon.

BillingLine1 String False

First line of the billing address.

BillingLine2 String False

Second line of the billing address.

BillingLine3 String False

Third line of the billing address.

BillingLine4 String False

Fourth line of the billing address.

BillingLine5 String False

Fifth line of the billing address.

BillingCity String False

City name for the billing address.

BillingState String False

State name for the billing address.

BillingPostalCode String False

Postal code for the billing address.

BillingCountry String False

Country for the billing address.

BillingNote String False

Note for the billing address.

ShippingAddress String True

Full shipping address returned by Reckon. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingLine1 String False

First line of the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingLine2 String False

Second line of the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingLine3 String False

Third line of the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingLine4 String False

Fourth line of the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingLine5 String False

Fifth line of the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingCity String False

City name for the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingState String False

State name for the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingPostalCode String False

Postal code for the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingCountry String False

Country for the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

ShippingNote String False

Note for the shipping address. Requires QBBXML Version 7.0 or higher.

Subtotal Double True

Gross subtotal. This does not include tax/amount already paid.

Tax Double True

Total sales tax applied to this transaction.

TaxItem String False


A sales tax item refers to a single sales tax that is collected at a specified rate and paid to a single agency.

TaxItemId String False


A sales tax item refers to a single sales tax that is collected at a specified rate and paid to a single agency.

TaxPercent Double True

Percentage charged for sales tax.

IsActive Boolean False

Whether or not the estimate is active.

IsToBeEmailed Boolean False

Whether or not this email is to be emailed.

IsTaxIncluded Boolean False

Determines if tax is included in the transaction amount. Available in only international editions of Reckon.

PONumber String False

The purchase order number.

Terms String False

A reference to the terms of payment, predefined within Reckon.

TermsId String False

A reference to the terms of payment, predefined within Reckon.

Template String False


The name of an existing template to apply to the transaction.

TemplateId String False


The Id of an existing template to apply to the transaction.

CustomerSalesTaxName String False


Reference to sales tax information for the customer.

CustomerSalesTaxId String False


Reference to sales tax information for the customer.

ExchangeRate Double False

Indicates the exchange rate for the transaction.

DueDate Date True

Date when credit is due.

Other String False

Other data associated with the estimate.

ItemCount Integer True

A count of the line items.

ItemAggregate String False

An aggregate of the line item data which can be used for adding a estimates and its line item data.

TransactionCount Integer True

The count of related transactions to the estimates.

TransactionAggregate String True

An aggregate of the linked transaction data.

CustomFields String False

Custom fields returned from Reckon and formatted into XML.

EditSequence String True

An identifier used for versioning for this copy of the object.

TimeModified Datetime True

When the estimate was last modified.

TimeCreated Datetime True

When the estimate was created.


Pseudo Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Item* String

All line-item-specific columns may be used in insertions.

StartTxnDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Earliest transaction date to search for.

EndTxnDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Latest transaction date to search for.

StartModifiedDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Earliest modified date to search for.

EndModifiedDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Latest modified date to search for.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839