Cmdlets for Reckon Accounts Hosted

Build 23.0.8839


Create, update, delete, and query Reckon Item Receipt Line Items.

Table Specific Information

ItemReceipts may be inserted, queried, or updated via the ItemReceipts, ItemReceiptExpenseItems, or ItemReceiptLineItems tables. ItemReceipts may be deleted by using the ItemReceipts table.

This table has a Custom Fields column. See the カスタムフィールド page for more information.


By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be honored if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.

Reckon Accounts Hosted allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. Typically, These columns can typically be used with only the equals or = comparison. The available columns for ItemReceipts are Id, Date, ReferenceNumber, VendorName, VendorId, Payee, PayeeId, Account, AccountId, and TimeModified. TimeModified and Date may be used with the >, >=, <, <=, or = conditions and may be used twice to specify a range. VendorName and ReferenceNumber may be used with the = or LIKE conditions to establish a starts-with, ends-with, or contains syntax. For example:

SELECT * FROM ItemReceipts WHERE TimeModified > '1/1/2011' AND TimeModified < '2/1/2011' AND VendorName LIKE '%Patton Hardware Supplies%' AND ReferenceNumber LIKE '12345%'


To add an ItemReceipt, specify the Vendor, Date, and at least one Expense or Line Item. To create LineItems, you must insert data in a temporary table called 'LineItems#TEMP'. For example, the following will insert a new ItemReceipt with two Line Items:

INSERT INTO ItemReceiptLineItems#TEMP (VendorName, Date, ItemName, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('Patton Hardware Supplies', '1/1/2011', 'Repairs', 1)
INSERT INTO ItemReceiptLineItems#TEMP (VendorName, Date, ItemName, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('Patton Hardware Supplies', '1/1/2011', 'Removal', 2)
INSERT INTO ItemReceiptLineItems (VendorName, Date, ItemName, ItemQuantity) SELECT FROM VendorName, Date, ItemName, ItemQuantity ItemReceiptLineItems#TEMP


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ID [KEY] String True

The unique identifier in the format ItemReceiptId|ItemLineId.

ItemReceiptId String False


The item identifier for the item receipt. This is obtained from the ItemReceipt table.

VendorName String False


The name of the vendor. Either VendorName or VendorId must be specified when inserting an item receipt.

VendorId String False


The unique Id of the vendor. Either VendorName or VendorId must be specified when inserting an item receipt.

Date Date False

The transaction date.

ReferenceNumber String False

The transaction reference number.

AccountsPayable String False


A reference to the name of the account the item receipt is payable to.

AccountsPayableId String False


A reference to the unique id of the account the item receipt is payable to.

Memo String False

A memo regarding the item receipt.

Amount Double True

Total amount of the item receipt.

TxnNumber Integer True

The transaction number. An identifying number for the transaction, different from the Reckon-generated Id.

ItemLineId String True

The line item identifier.

ItemName String False


The item name.

ItemId String False


The item Id.

ItemGroup String False


Item group name. Reference to a group of line items this item is part of.

ItemGroupId String False


Item group Id. Reference to a group of line items this item is part of.

ItemDescription String False

A description of the item.

ItemQuantity Double False

The quantity of the item or item group specified in this line.

ItemTaxCode String False


The name of the sales tax code for the line item. Only available in UK and CA editions of Reckon.

ItemTaxCodeId String False


The Id of the sales tax code for the line item. Only available in UK and CA editions of Reckon.

ItemLotNumber String False

The lot number for the item.

ItemCost Double False

The unit cost for an item.

ItemAmount Double False

Total amount for this item.

ItemBillableStatus String False

Billing status of the item.



ItemCustomer String False


The name of the customer who ordered the item.

ItemCustomerId String False


The Id of the customer who ordered the item.

ItemClass String False


The name for the class of the item.

ItemClassId String False


The Id for the class of the item.

CustomFields String False

Custom fields returned from Reckon and formatted into XML.

EditSequence String True

An identifier used for versioning for this copy of the object.

TimeModified Datetime True

When the item receipt was last modified.

TimeCreated Datetime True

When the item receipt was created.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
StartTxnDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Earliest transaction date to search for.

EndTxnDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Latest transaction date to search for.

StartModifiedDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Earliest modified date to search for.

EndModifiedDate String

This pseudo column is deprecated and should no longer be used. Latest modified date to search for.

LinkToTxnId String

The Id of a transaction to link the new item receipt to. This should be a purchase order Id. Only available on an insert.

ItemLinkToTxnId String

Link this individual line item to another transaction. This is only available during inserts and requires a minimum QBXML Version 6.0

ItemLinkToTxnLineId String

Link this individual line item to another transaction line item. This is only available during inserts and requires a minimum QBXML Version 6.0

ItemOverrideAccount String

The Account Name used to override the default Account for the Item. This is only available during inserts and updates.

ItemOverrideAccountId String

The Account Id used to override the default Account for the Item. This is only available during inserts and updates.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839