ODBC Driver for Pipedrive

Build 24.0.9111


Get details of persons updates.


The 本製品 will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • PersonId supports the '=' operator.
  • AllChanges supports the '=' operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 246 

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
NewValueFormatted String NewValueFormatted.
AssignedToUserId Integer AssignedToUserId.
Attendees String Attendees.
BusyFlag Boolean BusyFlag.
SyncIncludecontext String SyncIncludecontext.
changeSource String changeSource.
UserAgent String UserAgent.
CompanyId Integer CompanyId.
MeetingClient String MeetingClient.
MeetingId String MeetingId.
MeetingUrl String MeetingUrl.
CreatedByUserId Integer CreatedByUserId.
DealDropboxBcc String DealDropboxBcc.
DealId Integer DealId.
DealTitle String DealTitle.
Done Boolean Done.
DueDate Date DueDate.
DueTime Time DueTime.
Duration Time Duration.
FieldKey String FieldKey.
Fileclean_name String Fileclean_name.
FileId String FileId.
FileUrl String FileUrl.
GcaleventId String GcaleventId.
GoogleCalendarEtag String GoogleCalendarEtag.
GoogleCalendarId String GoogleCalendarId.
IsBulkUpdateFlag String IsBulkUpdateFlag.
ItemId Integer ItemId.
NotificationTime Datetime NotificationTime.
NotificationUserId Integer NotificationUserId.
LeadId String LeadId.
Location String Location.
AdminAreaLevel1 String AdminAreaLevel1.
AdminAreaLevel2 String AdminAreaLevel2.
Country String Country.
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress.
Lat Double Lat.
Locality String Locality.
Long Double Long.
PostalCode String PostalCode.
Route String Route.
StreetNumber String StreetNumber.
Sublocality String Sublocality.
Subpremise String Subpremise.
LogTime Datetime LogTime.
MarkedAsDoneTime Datetime MarkedAsDoneTime.
NewValue String NewValue.
Note String Note.
LanguageId Integer LanguageId.
OldValue String OldValue.
OrgId Integer


Organizations Id.
OrgName String Organizations Name.
OwnerName String Owner Name.
Participants String Participants.
PersonDropboxBcc String Person Dropbox Bcc.
PersonId Integer


Persons Id.
PersonName String PersonName.
Publicdescription String Publicdescription.
RecMasterActivityId String RecMasterActivityId.
RecRule String RecRule.
RecRuleExtension String RecRuleExtension.
ReferenceId Integer ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String ReferenceType.
Series String Series.
SourceTimezone String SourceTimezone.
Subject String Subject.
Type String Type.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UpdateUserId Integer UpdateUserId.
UserId Integer UserId.
Object String Object.
Timestamp Datetime Timestamp.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not.


Items String item specific updates.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111