Get all details of persons.
The 本製品 will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.
- Id supports the '=' operator.
- FirstChar supports the 'LIKE' operator.
- FilterId supports the '=' operator.
- UserId supports the '=' operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id = 14 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstChar = 'c' SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FilterId = 1 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE UserId = 1
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO Persons (name) VALUES ('testpankaj')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Persons SET Name = 'test123' WHERE Id = 2495
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM Persons WHERE id = 15
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Id. | |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | False |
ActiveFlag. | |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
ActivitiesCount. | |
AddTime | Datetime | False |
Optional creation date time of the person Requires admin user API token. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | |
CcEmail | String | True |
CcEmail. | |
ClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
ClosedDealsCount. | |
CompanyId | Integer | True |
CompanyId. | |
CustomeField | String | True |
CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used. | |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
DoneActivitiesCount. | |
String | False |
Email. | ||
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | True |
EmailMessagesCount. | |
FilesCount | Integer | True |
FilesCount. | |
FirstChar | String | True |
If supplied, only persons whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned. | |
FirstName | String | True |
FirstName. | |
FollowersCount | Integer | True |
FollowersCount. | |
Label | Integer | True |
Label. | |
LastActivityDate | Date | True |
LastActivityDate. | |
LastActivityId | Integer | True |
LastActivityId. | |
LastIncomingMailTime | Datetime | True |
LastIncomingMailTime. | |
LastName | String | True |
LastName. | |
LastOutgoingMailTime | Datetime | True |
LastOutgoingMailTime. | |
LostDealsCount | Integer | True |
LostDealsCount. | |
Name | String | False |
Name. | |
NextActivityDate | Date | True |
NextActivityDate. | |
NextActivityId | Integer | True |
NextActivityId. | |
NextActivityTime | Time | True |
NextActivityTime. | |
Notes | String | True |
Notes. | |
NotesCount | Integer | True |
NotesCount. | |
OpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
OpenDealsCount. | |
OrgActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
OrgActiveFlag. | |
OrgAddress | String | True |
OrgAddress. | |
OrgccEmail | String | True |
OrgccEmail. | |
OrgName | String | True |
OrgName. | |
OrgownerId | Integer | True |
OrgownerId. | |
OrgpeopleCount | Integer | True |
OrgpeopleCount. | |
Orgvalue | Integer | False |
Orgvalue. | |
OwnerActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
OwnerActiveFlag. | |
OwnerEmail | String | True |
OwnerEmail. | |
OwnerHasPic | Integer | True |
OwnerHasPic. | |
OwnerId | Integer | False |
OwnerId. | |
OwnerIdName | String | True |
OwnerName. | |
OwnerPicHash | String | True |
OwnerPicHash. | |
OwnerValue | Integer | True |
OwnerValue. | |
ParticipantClosedDealscount | Integer | True |
ParticipantClosedDealscount. | |
ParticipantOpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
ParticipantOpenDealsCount. | |
Phone | String | False |
Phone. | |
PictureActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
PictureActiveFlag. | |
PictureAddTime | Datetime | True |
PictureAddTime. | |
PictureAddedByUserId | Integer | True |
PictureAddedByUserId. | |
PictureItemId | Integer | True |
PictureItemId. | |
PictureItemType | String | True |
PictureItemType. | |
Picture128 | String | True |
Picture128. | |
Picture512 | String | True |
Picture512. | |
PictureUpdateTime | String | True |
PictureUpdateTime. | |
Picturevalue | Integer | True |
Picturevalue. | |
RelatedClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedClosedDealsCount. | |
RelatedLostDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedLostDealsCount. | |
RelatedOpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedOpenDealsCount. | |
RelatedWonDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedWonDealsCount. | |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
UndoneActivitiesCount. | |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. | |
VisibleTo | String | False |
Visibility of the person. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 3 | |
WonDealsCount | Integer | True |
WonDealsCount. | |
PrimaryEmail | String | True |
Primary Email. | |
MarketingStatus | String | True |
Marketing Status. | |
OwnerName | String | True |
Owner Name. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterId | Integer |
Filter Id. |
UserId | Integer |
User Id. |