Get details of Persons file.
The 本製品 will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.
- PersonId supports the '=' operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsFiles WHERE PersonId = 6
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of the files. | |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Active Flag. | |
ActivityId | String | Activity Id. | |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. | |
Cid | String | Cid. | |
DealId | String | Deal Id. | |
DealName | String | DealName. | |
Description | String | Description. | |
FileName | String | File Name. | |
FileSize | Integer | File Size. | |
FileType | String | File Type. | |
InlineFlag | Boolean | Inline Flag. | |
LogId | String | Log Id. | |
MailMessageId | String | MailMessage Id. | |
MailTemplateId | String | MailTemplate Id. | |
Name | String | Name. | |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. | |
OrgName | String | Org Name. | |
PeopleName | String | People Name. | |
PersonId | String |
Persons.Id | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | Person Name. | |
ProductId | String | Produc tId. | |
ProductName | String | Product Name. | |
RemoteId | String | Remote Id. | |
RemoteLocation | String | Remote Location. | |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. | |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Update Time. | |
Url | String | Url. | |
UserId | Integer | UserId. | |
LeadId | String | LeadId. | |
LeadName | String | LeadName. |