ODBC Driver for TigerGraph

Build 24.0.9175

Connect from MySQL Workbench

Clients like MySQL Workbench can connect to TigerGraph ODBC data sources as virtual MySQL databases. This section describes how to configure ODBC remoting as a virtual MySQL database in MySQL Workbench.

Configure SQL Gateway

To create a virtual MySQL database in the SQL Gateway administration tool:

  1. Configure and start the proxying service on the Services tab.
  2. Configure database users on the Users tab.
  3. If you need to connect over TLS/SSL, configure it on the Other tab.
  4. Access services hosted behind a firewall by configuring SSH Tunnel.

Connect to the Database

  1. In the main menu, select Database > Connect to Database.
  2. Name the connection. A new dialog displays.
  3. Complete the fields of the dialog:
    • Hostname and Port: The hostname and port of the service. If you are connecting through SSH Tunnel, provide the mapped IP/Port of the tunnel.
    • Username: The username of a user account you created in the SQL Gateway.
When you click Test Connection, you are prompted for your password. If you enabled SSL when you configured the service, you are also prompted to accept the SQL Gateway's digital certificate. You can configure this certificate on the Other tab.

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Build 24.0.9175