ODBC Driver for TigerGraph

Build 24.0.9111


On the Other tab, you can configure TLS/SSL and more advanced connection settings. You can also configure logging for the SQL Gateway.

Logging Application Info

To record SQL Gateway activity, enable the Logging Options > Write Log to a File option and specify:

  • File: the logfile path.
  • Log Mode: the logfile verbosity.
  • Log Rotation: the log rotation interval.

Additional Settings

You can configure the following under Additional Settings:

  • Idle Connection Timeout: the duration of time (in minutes) that services will attempt to connect before abandoning the connection attempt.
  • Max Connections: the maximum number of concurrent active service connections that you want SQL Gateway to allow.

Securing Connections with TLS/SSL

You must configure SSL for SQL Server connections. The certificate specified on this tab is also used for SSL-enabled MySQL connections.

A default certificate is shipped for testing purposes; this certificate is not suitable for production.

To secure database connections with SSL, specify a digital certificate by clicking Additional Settings > SSL Cert > "...". Configure the SQL Gateway with the private key in the resulting dialog.

You can select a private key from the available certificate stores. Or click Create New Certificate on the System Store tab to create a new key pair. Select an existing private key from the system store, the user store, a PFX file, or a PEM file.

After configuring the private key in the SQL Gateway, clients need to be able to trust the public key. To trust the key, clients validate the certificate's chain of trust.

A self-signed certificate, such as a certificate you create with the SQL Gateway, is the only certificate in the chain. To trust a self-signed certificate, you must manually validate and accept the certificate. One way to accept the certificate is to add it to the trusted system store. Your application may require a different store.

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Build 24.0.9111