CData Python Connector for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


本製品 はWorkday のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。

CData Python Connector for Workday テーブル

Name Description
AdHocProjectTimeTransactions Retrieves a collection of ad hoc project time transactions.
Attachments Uploads an attachment when creating a case.
AttributeAttributeValues No description available.
AttributeAttributeValuesRestrictToEnvironments Reads /restrictToEnvironments entries from the AttributeAttributeValues table.
BillableTransactions Retrieves a single billable transaction instance.
Cases Retrieves a list of cases that the user is secured to view.
CasesTimeline Retrieves a list of comment timeline items for a case.
CasesTimelineAttachments Reads /attachments entries from the CasesTimeline table.
Configurations No description available.
ConfigurationsAttributes No description available.
ConfigurationsAttributesValues Reads /values entries from the ConfigurationsAttributes table.
Definitions Retrieves a custom object definition.
DefinitionsConditionRules Retrieves a collection of condition rules in a custom object definition.
DefinitionsFields Retrieves a field in a custom object definition.
DefinitionsFieldsAuthorizedUsages Reads /authorizedUsages entries from the DefinitionsFields table.
DefinitionsFieldsCategories Reads /categories entries from the DefinitionsFields table.
DefinitionsFieldsDisplayOptions Reads /displayOptions entries from the DefinitionsFields table.
DefinitionsFieldsPrompts Reads /prompts entries from the DefinitionsFields table.
DefinitionsFieldsValidations Reads /validations entries from the DefinitionsFields table.
DefinitionsValidations Retrieves a collection of validations in a custom object definition.
EffectiveChanges Generates effective change data for organizations or workers based on request parameters.
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaOrganizations Reads /requestCriteria/organizations entries from the EffectiveChanges table.
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaResponseFilterAdditionalNameTypes Reads /requestCriteria/responseFilter/additionalNameTypes entries from the EffectiveChanges table.
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaResponseFilterOrganizationRoles Reads /requestCriteria/responseFilter/organizationRoles entries from the EffectiveChanges table.
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaResponseFilterOrganizationTypes Reads /requestCriteria/responseFilter/organizationTypes entries from the EffectiveChanges table.
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaResponseFilterPaymentElectionRules Reads /requestCriteria/responseFilter/paymentElectionRules entries from the EffectiveChanges table.
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaWorkerOverrides Reads /requestCriteria/workerOverrides entries from the EffectiveChanges table.
EffectiveChangesResponseDataDocuments Reads /responseData/documents entries from the EffectiveChanges table.
EventDrivenIntegrationVendorResponse Updates a specific vendor response instance of Event-Driven Integration with the specified data after the third-party payroll system completes processing of the worker changes.
EventDrivenIntegrationVendorResponseErrorMessageSetErrors Reads /errorMessageSet/errors entries from the EventDrivenIntegrationVendorResponse table.
ExpenseEntries Retrieves a single instance of a Quick Expense.
ExpenseEntriesAttachments Reads /attachments entries from the ExpenseEntries table.
ExpenseReports Retrieves a single instance of an Expense Report.
ExternalCreators Retrieves contact details for a single external case contact instance.
FieldTypes Retrieves a collection of custom field types.
FieldTypesListInfoValues Reads /listInfo/values entries from the FieldTypes table.
FieldTypesListValues Retrieves a list value for a custom lists in a custom object definition.
GiveRequestedFeedbackEvents Retrieves a collection of feedback given events about the user that responded to the feedback request.
GiveRequestedFeedbackEventsBusinessProcessParametersAttachments Reads /businessProcessParameters/attachments entries from the GiveRequestedFeedbackEvents table.
GiveRequestedFeedbackEventsFeedbackComments Reads /feedbackComments entries from the GiveRequestedFeedbackEvents table.
HomeContactInformationChangesAddresses Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process
HomeContactInformationChangesEmailAddresses Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process
HomeContactInformationChangesInstantMessengers An instant messenger as it exists staged for update by the parent business process.
HomeContactInformationChangesPhoneNumbers Retrieve all existing phone numbers staged for update by the parent business process
HomeContactInformationChangesWebAddresses Retrieve all existing web addresses staged for update by the parent business process
ImmigrationEventsDependentImmigrationData Retrieves a dependent immigration data instance for the specified student ID.
ImmigrationEventsImmigrationData Retrieves an immigration data instance for the specified immigration event.
InterviewsFeedback No description available.
JobChangesAdministrative Retrieves the administrative options for the specified job change ID.
JobChangesBusinessTitle Retrieves a business title for the specified job change ID.
JobChangesComment Returns the comment information for the specified job change ID.
JobChangesContract Retrieves the contract options for the specified change job ID.
JobChangesJobClassification Retrieves a job classification for the specified job change ID.
JobChangesJobProfile Retrieves a job profile for the specified job change ID.
JobChangesLocation Returns the location information for the specified job change ID.
JobChangesMoveTeam Retrieves a move team option from the specified job change ID.
JobChangesOpening Retrieves the opening options for the specified job change ID.
JobChangesPosition Retrieves a position for the specified job change ID.
JobChangesStartDetails Retrieves the start details for the specified job change ID.
MessageTemplates Retrieves a message template with the specific ID.
OrganizationAssignmentChangesBusinessUnit Retrieves a business unit for the specified organization assignment change ID.
OrganizationAssignmentChangesComment Retrieves the comment information for the specified organization assignment change ID.
OrganizationAssignmentChangesCompany Retrieves a company for the specified organization assignment change ID.
OrganizationAssignmentChangesCostCenter Retrieves a cost center for the specified organization assignment change ID.
OrganizationAssignmentChangesCosting Retrieves the costing organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID.
OrganizationAssignmentChangesCustomOrganizations Retrieves the custom organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID.
OrganizationAssignmentChangesRegion Retrieves a region for the specified organization assignment change ID.
OrganizationAssignmentChangesStartDetails Retrieves the start details for the specified organization assignment change ID.
PayGroupsPeriods Retrieves a collection of payroll periods for the specified Payroll Interface pay group ID.
Payments Retrieves a single customer invoice payment instance.
PaymentsRemittanceDetails Retrieves a single customer invoice payment remittance line instance.
PayrollInputs Retrieves a single payroll input instance.
PayrollInputsInputDetails Reads /inputDetails entries from the PayrollInputs table.
PayrollInputsRunCategories Reads /runCategories entries from the PayrollInputs table.
PayrollInputsWorktags Reads /worktags entries from the PayrollInputs table.
PlanPhases Retrieves a single project plan phase instance.
PlanTasks Retrieves a collection of Project Plan Tasks for a specified Project or Project Plan Phase.
Projects Retrieves a collection of Projects.
ProjectsBusinessEventRecords Reads /businessEventRecords entries from the Projects table.
ProjectsGroups Reads /groups entries from the Projects table.
ProjectsOptionalHierarchies Reads /optionalHierarchies entries from the Projects table.
ProjectsProjectDependencies Reads /projectDependencies entries from the Projects table.
ProjectsWorktags Reads /worktags entries from the Projects table.
Prospects Create prospects.
ProspectsCandidatePools Reads /candidatePools entries from the Prospects table.
ProspectsCandidateTags Reads /candidateTags entries from the Prospects table.
ProspectsEducations Retrieves the education of a single prospect instance.
ProspectsExperiences Retrieves a single experience instance for a prospect.
ProspectsLanguages Retrieves a single language instance for a prospect.
ProspectsLanguagesAbilities Reads /abilities entries from the ProspectsLanguages table.
ProspectsResumeAttachments Retrieves a single resume attachment instance for a prospect.
ProspectsSkills Retrieves a single skill instance for a prospect.
Requests Retrieves the request with the specified ID.
RequestsQuestionnaireResponsesQuestionnaireAnswers Reads /questionnaireResponses/questionnaireAnswers entries from the Requests table.
Requisitions Retrieves a collection of requisitions.
RequisitionsAttachments Retrieves the metadata or the attachment content of the specified requisition.
RequisitionsRequisitionLines Retrieves a requisition line for the specified requisition.
RequisitionsRequisitionLinesWorktags Reads /worktags entries from the RequisitionsRequisitionLines table.
RequisitionsWorktags Reads /worktags entries from the Requisitions table.
ResourceForecastLinesAllocations Retrieves a Resource Forecast Line Allocation for the specified ID.
ResourcePlanLines Retrieves a single resource plan line instance.
ResourcePlanLinesExcludedWorkers Reads /excludedWorkers entries from the ResourcePlanLines table.
ResourcePlanLinesRequirements Reads /requirements entries from the ResourcePlanLines table.
ScorecardResults Provides the ability to set up and retrieve Scores on Scorecard Results.
ScorecardResultsDefaultScorecardGoalsResultPerformanceScores Reads /defaultScorecardGoalsResult/performanceScores entries from the ScorecardResults table.
ScorecardResultsProfileScorecardGoalsResult Reads /profileScorecardGoalsResult entries from the ScorecardResults table.
Scorecards Retrieves Compensation Scorecard information.
ScorecardsDefaultScorecardGoals Reads /defaultScorecardGoals entries from the Scorecards table.
ScorecardsScorecardProfiles Reads /scorecardProfiles entries from the Scorecards table.
StudentsPayments Retrieves a single student payment instance for the specified student ID.
SupplierInvoiceRequests Retrieves a collection of supplier invoices.
SupplierInvoiceRequestsAttachments Retrieves a single attachment instance.
TaskResources Retrieves a collection of Task Resources.
TaskResourcesProjectResources Reads /projectResources entries from the TaskResources table.
TaxRates Retrieves a single or a collection of company SUI rates.
TimeClockEvents Retrieves a collection of time clock events for a worker for a date range.
WorkContactInformationChangesAddresses An address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process.
WorkContactInformationChangesEmailAddresses Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process
WorkContactInformationChangesInstantMessengers An instant messenger as it exists staged for update by the parent business process.
WorkContactInformationChangesPhoneNumbers A phone number as it exists staged for update by the parent business process.
WorkContactInformationChangesWebAddresses A web address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process.
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents Retrieves a feedback given event instance with the specified ID.
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEventsBusinessProcessParametersAttachments Reads /businessProcessParameters/attachments entries from the WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents table.
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEventsFeedbackAlsoAbout Reads /feedbackAlsoAbout entries from the WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents table.
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEventsWorkersToNotify Reads /workersToNotify entries from the WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents table.
WorkersBusinessTitleChanges Retrieves a business title change instance for a specific worker.
WorkersCheckIns Retrieves a single Check-In instance.
WorkersCheckInsAssociatedTopics Reads /associatedTopics entries from the WorkersCheckIns table.
WorkersCheckInsCheckInAttachments Reads /checkInAttachments entries from the WorkersCheckIns table.
WorkersCheckInTopics Retrieves a collection of Check-Ins topics.
WorkersCheckInTopicsAssociatedCheckIns Reads /associatedCheckIns entries from the WorkersCheckInTopics table.
WorkersCheckInTopicsCheckInTopicAttachments Reads /checkInTopicAttachments entries from the WorkersCheckInTopics table.
WorkersDevelopmentItems Retrieves a single development item for the specified worker.
WorkersExplicitSkills Get Explicit Skills for Skill Enabled
WorkersExplicitSkillsSkillSources Reads /skillSources entries from the WorkersExplicitSkills table.
WorkersExternalSkillLevel Retrieves all external skill level information for a worker. You can filter the external skill levels by externalSkillId.
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents Retrieves a single self-requested feedback event instance for the specified worker.
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEventsBusinessProcessParametersAttachments Reads /businessProcessParameters/attachments entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents table.
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEventsFeedbackQuestions Reads /feedbackQuestions entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents table.
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEventsFeedbackResponders Reads /feedbackResponders entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents table.
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents Retrieves a single requested feedback event instance for the specified worker.
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEventsBusinessProcessParametersAttachments Reads /businessProcessParameters/attachments entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents table.
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEventsFeedbackQuestions Reads /feedbackQuestions entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents table.
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEventsFeedbackResponders Reads /feedbackResponders entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents table.
WorkersSkillItems Returns skill items.

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Build 24.0.9111