CData Python Connector for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieves a requisition line for the specified requisition.

Workday Resource Information

Retrieves a requisition line with the specified ID for the specified requisition.

Secured by: Checkout (REST), Process: Requisition - Reporting, Process: Requisition - View, Self-Service: Requisition, Self-Service: Supplier Contact Tasks, View: Organization Requisition

Scope: Procurement

Contains attachment(s)

Aggregate Fields

The 本製品 represents the following fields as aggregates containing JSON text. Each of them conforms to their respective schema. Fields marked with an asterisk are required and must be included if their parent object is.

This information is derived from the Workday REST API specification which does not explicitly list all business rules and validations that apply to each object. More fields may be required than what is listed here.


  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  href: Text /* A link to the instance */
  id: Text /* Id of the instance */
  worktagType: { /* The worktag type. */
     *id: Text /* wid / id / reference id */


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Id of the instance

Requisitions_Id [KEY] String False

The Workday ID of the Requisitions that owns this.

CatalogItem Bool False

Supported for: SELECT. If true, the business document line is for a catalog item.

CommodityCode_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

CommodityCode_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

CommodityCode_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id

CreatedMoment Datetime False

Supported for: SELECT. The moment at which the requisition line was originally created.

CriticalCustomValidations String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The list of failing critical custom validation messages that have been configured at the requisition line level as a single string. Each message is delimited by HTML encoded line feed character.

DeliverToLocation_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance

DeliverToLocation_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. Id of the instance

Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. A preview of the instance

EndDate Datetime False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The end date requested for the service on the requisition line. This field can be configured as a hidden field using the Configure Optional Fields task for the REST API Requisition functional area.

ExtendedAmount_Currency String False

Supported for: SELECT. The extended amount for the requisition line. Excludes extended amounts on tax only invoices. (Currency name)

ExtendedAmount_Value Decimal False

Supported for: SELECT. The extended amount for the requisition line. Excludes extended amounts on tax only invoices. (Value)

FormattedExtendedAmount String False

Supported for: SELECT. The extended amount for the business document line that shows the currency symbol. The locale of the current user determines the positive or negative display format, currency symbol placement, grouping separator, and decimal separator.

FormattedShippingAddress String False

Supported for: SELECT. The shipping address for the requisition line as a single string. Each line of the shipping address is delimited by HTML encoded line feed character.

FormattedUnitCost String False

Supported for: SELECT. The unit cost for the business document line showing the currency symbol. Positive/negative display format, currency symbol placement, grouping separator, and decimal separator is based on the locale of the current logged in user.

Href String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. A link to the instance

ItemDescription String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The line item description for the requisition line.

ItemImage_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance

ItemImage_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

ItemImage_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT. Id of the instance

ItemImage_InternalURL String False

Supported for: SELECT. The URL for the image in Workdays UI Server.

ItemRanking Decimal False

Supported for: INSERT, UPDATE. itemRanking

ItemURL String False

Supported for: SELECT. The Workday Instance View URL for a Procurement Item Instance - From a Line

Item_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

Item_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

Item_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. wid / id / reference id

LineCompany_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance

LineCompany_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. Id of the instance

LineDeliverToLocationChain String False

Supported for: SELECT. The deliver-to location and the associated hierarchy of deliver-to locations for the requisition line.

LotSerialInformation_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. A preview of the instance

LotSerialInformation_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. Id of the instance

LotSerialInformation_LotNumber String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The lot number for the bill only transaction.

LotSerialInformation_SerialNumber String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The lot serial number for the bill only transaction.

Memo String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The line memo for the requisition line. This field can be configured as a hidden field using the Configure Optional Fields task for the REST API Requisition functional area.

NoCharge Bool False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. If true, the requisition line is a no charge requisition line. This field can be configured as a hidden field using the Configure Optional Fields task for the REST API Requisition functional area.

OrderFromConnection_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance

OrderFromConnection_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. Id of the instance

Quantity Decimal False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The quantity on the requisition line. This value can have 20 integer places, is precise to 2 decimal places, and cannot be negative.

RequestedDeliveryDate Datetime False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The delivery date requested for the goods on the line. This field does not appear on the payload when a date isn't selected or when the line isn't for goods. This field can be configured as a hidden field using the Configure Optional Fields task for the REST API Requisition functional area.

RfqRequired Bool False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. If true, a request for quote is required for the requisition line.

SearchTerm String False

Supported for: INSERT, UPDATE. Search term used to query through Search Catalog for current item on this requisition line.

ServiceRequisitionLine Bool False

Supported for: SELECT. If true, the requisition line is for a service.

ShipToAddressReference_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

ShipToAddressReference_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

ShipToAddressReference_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. wid / id / reference id

ShipToAddress_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

ShipToAddress_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

ShipToAddress_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. wid / id / reference id

ShipToContact_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

ShipToContact_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

ShipToContact_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. wid / id / reference id

SpendCategory_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

SpendCategory_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

SpendCategory_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. wid / id / reference id

StartDate Datetime False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The start date requested for the service on the requisition line. This field can be configured as a hidden field using the Configure Optional Fields task for the REST API Requisition functional area.

SupplierContract_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

SupplierContract_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

SupplierContract_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. wid / id / reference id

SupplierItemIdentifier String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The alphanumeric identifier assigned by a supplier to an item. This value can be unique for each supplier of the item, and is different from the manufacturer identification number.

Supplier_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

Supplier_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

Supplier_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. wid / id / reference id

UnitCost_Currency String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The unit cost for the requisition line. (Currency name)

UnitCost_Value Decimal False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The unit cost for the requisition line. (Value)

UnitOfMeasure_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance

UnitOfMeasure_Href String False

Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance

UnitOfMeasure_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. wid / id / reference id

WarningCustomValidations String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The list of failing warning custom validation messages that have been configured at the requisition line level as a single string. Each message is delimited by HTML encoded line feed character.

WebItem Bool False

Supported for: SELECT. If true, the requisition line is for a web item.

WebItemImageURL String False

Supported for: SELECT. The URL for the supplier's image of the web item on the requisition line. This field returns blank when the line is not for a web item, or when configuration in Workday prevents external images from that supplier website.

Worktags_Aggregate String False

Supported for: INSERT. A JSON aggregate. The worktags for the requisition line.

WriteInGoods Bool False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. If true, the requisition line is a goods line with no purchase item, supplier item, or catalog item.

WriteInService Bool False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. If true, the requisition line is a service line with no purchase item, supplier item, or catalog item.

ExternalSourceableId_Prompt String False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. No description available.

ExternalSystemId_Prompt String False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. No description available.

FromDate_Prompt Date False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. Filters the requisitions with document date on or after the specified date. Use the yyyy-mm-dd format.

Requester_Prompt String False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. Filters the requisitions by requester. Specify the Workday ID of the worker who requested the requisition.

RequisitionType_Prompt String False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. Accepts multiple inputs. Filters the requisitions by type. Specify the Workday ID of the requisition type. You can specify multiple requisitionType query parameters.

SubmittedByPerson_Prompt String False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. Filters the requisitions by the Person who submitted the requisition. Specify the Workday ID or the reference ID of the person.

SubmittedBySupplier_Prompt String False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. Accepts multiple inputs. Filters the requisitions by the supplier who submitted the requisition. Specify the Workday ID or the reference ID of the supplier. You can specify multiple submittedBySupplier query parameters.

SubmittedBy_Prompt String False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. Filters the requisitions by the Worker who submitted the requisition. Specify the Workday ID or the reference ID of the worker. You can use a returned id from GET /workers in the Staffing REST web service.

ToDate_Prompt Date False

Only used when a Requisitions_Id filter is not provided. Filters the requisitions with document date on or before the specified date. Use the yyyy-mm-dd format.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111