本製品 はWorkday のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData ADO.NET Provider for Workday テーブル
Name | Description |
AdHocProjectTimeTransactions | Retrieves a collection of ad hoc project time transactions. |
Attachments | Uploads an attachment when creating a case. |
AttributeAttributeValues | No description available. |
AttributeAttributeValuesRestrictToEnvironments | Reads /restrictToEnvironments entries from the AttributeAttributeValues table. |
BillableTransactions | Retrieves a single billable transaction instance. |
Cases | Retrieves a list of cases that the user is secured to view. |
CasesTimeline | Retrieves a list of comment timeline items for a case. |
CasesTimelineAttachments | Reads /attachments entries from the CasesTimeline table. |
Configurations | No description available. |
ConfigurationsAttributes | No description available. |
ConfigurationsAttributesValues | Reads /values entries from the ConfigurationsAttributes table. |
Definitions | Retrieves a custom object definition. |
DefinitionsConditionRules | Retrieves a collection of condition rules in a custom object definition. |
DefinitionsFields | Retrieves a field in a custom object definition. |
DefinitionsFieldsAuthorizedUsages | Reads /authorizedUsages entries from the DefinitionsFields table. |
DefinitionsFieldsCategories | Reads /categories entries from the DefinitionsFields table. |
DefinitionsFieldsDisplayOptions | Reads /displayOptions entries from the DefinitionsFields table. |
DefinitionsFieldsPrompts | Reads /prompts entries from the DefinitionsFields table. |
DefinitionsFieldsValidations | Reads /validations entries from the DefinitionsFields table. |
DefinitionsValidations | Retrieves a collection of validations in a custom object definition. |
EffectiveChanges | Generates effective change data for organizations or workers based on request parameters. |
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaOrganizations | Reads /requestCriteria/organizations entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaResponseFilterAdditionalNameTypes | Reads /requestCriteria/responseFilter/additionalNameTypes entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaResponseFilterOrganizationRoles | Reads /requestCriteria/responseFilter/organizationRoles entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaResponseFilterOrganizationTypes | Reads /requestCriteria/responseFilter/organizationTypes entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaResponseFilterPaymentElectionRules | Reads /requestCriteria/responseFilter/paymentElectionRules entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaWorkerOverrides | Reads /requestCriteria/workerOverrides entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EffectiveChangesResponseDataDocuments | Reads /responseData/documents entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EventDrivenIntegrationVendorResponse | Updates a specific vendor response instance of Event-Driven Integration with the specified data after the third-party payroll system completes processing of the worker changes. |
EventDrivenIntegrationVendorResponseErrorMessageSetErrors | Reads /errorMessageSet/errors entries from the EventDrivenIntegrationVendorResponse table. |
ExpenseEntries | Retrieves a single instance of a Quick Expense. |
ExpenseEntriesAttachments | Reads /attachments entries from the ExpenseEntries table. |
ExpenseReports | Retrieves a single instance of an Expense Report. |
ExternalCreators | Retrieves contact details for a single external case contact instance. |
FieldTypes | Retrieves a collection of custom field types. |
FieldTypesListInfoValues | Reads /listInfo/values entries from the FieldTypes table. |
FieldTypesListValues | Retrieves a list value for a custom lists in a custom object definition. |
GiveRequestedFeedbackEvents | Retrieves a collection of feedback given events about the user that responded to the feedback request. |
GiveRequestedFeedbackEventsBusinessProcessParametersAttachments | Reads /businessProcessParameters/attachments entries from the GiveRequestedFeedbackEvents table. |
GiveRequestedFeedbackEventsFeedbackComments | Reads /feedbackComments entries from the GiveRequestedFeedbackEvents table. |
HomeContactInformationChangesAddresses | Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
HomeContactInformationChangesEmailAddresses | Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
HomeContactInformationChangesInstantMessengers | An instant messenger as it exists staged for update by the parent business process. |
HomeContactInformationChangesPhoneNumbers | Retrieve all existing phone numbers staged for update by the parent business process |
HomeContactInformationChangesWebAddresses | Retrieve all existing web addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
ImmigrationEventsDependentImmigrationData | Retrieves a dependent immigration data instance for the specified student ID. |
ImmigrationEventsImmigrationData | Retrieves an immigration data instance for the specified immigration event. |
InterviewsFeedback | No description available. |
JobChangesAdministrative | Retrieves the administrative options for the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesBusinessTitle | Retrieves a business title for the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesComment | Returns the comment information for the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesContract | Retrieves the contract options for the specified change job ID. |
JobChangesJobClassification | Retrieves a job classification for the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesJobProfile | Retrieves a job profile for the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesLocation | Returns the location information for the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesMoveTeam | Retrieves a move team option from the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesOpening | Retrieves the opening options for the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesPosition | Retrieves a position for the specified job change ID. |
JobChangesStartDetails | Retrieves the start details for the specified job change ID. |
MessageTemplates | Retrieves a message template with the specific ID. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesBusinessUnit | Retrieves a business unit for the specified organization assignment change ID. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesComment | Retrieves the comment information for the specified organization assignment change ID. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesCompany | Retrieves a company for the specified organization assignment change ID. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesCostCenter | Retrieves a cost center for the specified organization assignment change ID. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesCosting | Retrieves the costing organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesCustomOrganizations | Retrieves the custom organizations for the specified organization assignment change ID. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesRegion | Retrieves a region for the specified organization assignment change ID. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesStartDetails | Retrieves the start details for the specified organization assignment change ID. |
PayGroupsPeriods | Retrieves a collection of payroll periods for the specified Payroll Interface pay group ID. |
Payments | Retrieves a single customer invoice payment instance. |
PaymentsRemittanceDetails | Retrieves a single customer invoice payment remittance line instance. |
PayrollInputs | Retrieves a single payroll input instance. |
PayrollInputsInputDetails | Reads /inputDetails entries from the PayrollInputs table. |
PayrollInputsRunCategories | Reads /runCategories entries from the PayrollInputs table. |
PayrollInputsWorktags | Reads /worktags entries from the PayrollInputs table. |
PlanPhases | Retrieves a single project plan phase instance. |
PlanTasks | Retrieves a collection of Project Plan Tasks for a specified Project or Project Plan Phase. |
Projects | Retrieves a collection of Projects. |
ProjectsBusinessEventRecords | Reads /businessEventRecords entries from the Projects table. |
ProjectsGroups | Reads /groups entries from the Projects table. |
ProjectsOptionalHierarchies | Reads /optionalHierarchies entries from the Projects table. |
ProjectsProjectDependencies | Reads /projectDependencies entries from the Projects table. |
ProjectsWorktags | Reads /worktags entries from the Projects table. |
Prospects | Create prospects. |
ProspectsCandidatePools | Reads /candidatePools entries from the Prospects table. |
ProspectsCandidateTags | Reads /candidateTags entries from the Prospects table. |
ProspectsEducations | Retrieves the education of a single prospect instance. |
ProspectsExperiences | Retrieves a single experience instance for a prospect. |
ProspectsLanguages | Retrieves a single language instance for a prospect. |
ProspectsLanguagesAbilities | Reads /abilities entries from the ProspectsLanguages table. |
ProspectsResumeAttachments | Retrieves a single resume attachment instance for a prospect. |
ProspectsSkills | Retrieves a single skill instance for a prospect. |
Requests | Retrieves the request with the specified ID. |
RequestsQuestionnaireResponsesQuestionnaireAnswers | Reads /questionnaireResponses/questionnaireAnswers entries from the Requests table. |
Requisitions | Retrieves a collection of requisitions. |
RequisitionsAttachments | Retrieves the metadata or the attachment content of the specified requisition. |
RequisitionsRequisitionLines | Retrieves a requisition line for the specified requisition. |
RequisitionsRequisitionLinesWorktags | Reads /worktags entries from the RequisitionsRequisitionLines table. |
RequisitionsWorktags | Reads /worktags entries from the Requisitions table. |
ResourceForecastLinesAllocations | Retrieves a Resource Forecast Line Allocation for the specified ID. |
ResourcePlanLines | Retrieves a single resource plan line instance. |
ResourcePlanLinesExcludedWorkers | Reads /excludedWorkers entries from the ResourcePlanLines table. |
ResourcePlanLinesRequirements | Reads /requirements entries from the ResourcePlanLines table. |
ScorecardResults | Provides the ability to set up and retrieve Scores on Scorecard Results. |
ScorecardResultsDefaultScorecardGoalsResultPerformanceScores | Reads /defaultScorecardGoalsResult/performanceScores entries from the ScorecardResults table. |
ScorecardResultsProfileScorecardGoalsResult | Reads /profileScorecardGoalsResult entries from the ScorecardResults table. |
Scorecards | Retrieves Compensation Scorecard information. |
ScorecardsDefaultScorecardGoals | Reads /defaultScorecardGoals entries from the Scorecards table. |
ScorecardsScorecardProfiles | Reads /scorecardProfiles entries from the Scorecards table. |
StudentsPayments | Retrieves a single student payment instance for the specified student ID. |
SupplierInvoiceRequests | Retrieves a collection of supplier invoices. |
SupplierInvoiceRequestsAttachments | Retrieves a single attachment instance. |
TaskResources | Retrieves a collection of Task Resources. |
TaskResourcesProjectResources | Reads /projectResources entries from the TaskResources table. |
TaxRates | Retrieves a single or a collection of company SUI rates. |
TimeClockEvents | Retrieves a collection of time clock events for a worker for a date range. |
WorkContactInformationChangesAddresses | An address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process. |
WorkContactInformationChangesEmailAddresses | Retrieve all existing addresses staged for update by the parent business process |
WorkContactInformationChangesInstantMessengers | An instant messenger as it exists staged for update by the parent business process. |
WorkContactInformationChangesPhoneNumbers | A phone number as it exists staged for update by the parent business process. |
WorkContactInformationChangesWebAddresses | A web address as it exists staged for update by the parent business process. |
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents | Retrieves a feedback given event instance with the specified ID. |
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEventsBusinessProcessParametersAttachments | Reads /businessProcessParameters/attachments entries from the WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents table. |
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEventsFeedbackAlsoAbout | Reads /feedbackAlsoAbout entries from the WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents table. |
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEventsWorkersToNotify | Reads /workersToNotify entries from the WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents table. |
WorkersBusinessTitleChanges | Retrieves a business title change instance for a specific worker. |
WorkersCheckIns | Retrieves a single Check-In instance. |
WorkersCheckInsAssociatedTopics | Reads /associatedTopics entries from the WorkersCheckIns table. |
WorkersCheckInsCheckInAttachments | Reads /checkInAttachments entries from the WorkersCheckIns table. |
WorkersCheckInTopics | Retrieves a collection of Check-Ins topics. |
WorkersCheckInTopicsAssociatedCheckIns | Reads /associatedCheckIns entries from the WorkersCheckInTopics table. |
WorkersCheckInTopicsCheckInTopicAttachments | Reads /checkInTopicAttachments entries from the WorkersCheckInTopics table. |
WorkersDevelopmentItems | Retrieves a single development item for the specified worker. |
WorkersExplicitSkills | Get Explicit Skills for Skill Enabled |
WorkersExplicitSkillsSkillSources | Reads /skillSources entries from the WorkersExplicitSkills table. |
WorkersExternalSkillLevel | Retrieves all external skill level information for a worker. You can filter the external skill levels by externalSkillId. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents | Retrieves a single self-requested feedback event instance for the specified worker. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEventsBusinessProcessParametersAttachments | Reads /businessProcessParameters/attachments entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents table. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEventsFeedbackQuestions | Reads /feedbackQuestions entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents table. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEventsFeedbackResponders | Reads /feedbackResponders entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents table. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents | Retrieves a single requested feedback event instance for the specified worker. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEventsBusinessProcessParametersAttachments | Reads /businessProcessParameters/attachments entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents table. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEventsFeedbackQuestions | Reads /feedbackQuestions entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents table. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEventsFeedbackResponders | Reads /feedbackResponders entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents table. |
WorkersSkillItems | Returns skill items. |