ADO.NET Provider for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieves a collection of payroll periods for the specified Payroll Interface pay group ID.

Workday Resource Information

Retrieves a payroll period with the specified Payroll Interface pay group ID.

Secured by: REST API Public


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Id of the instance

PayGroups_Id [KEY] String False

The Workday ID of the PayGroups that owns this.

PeriodEndDate Datetime False

Supported for: SELECT, UPDATE. The end date of a payroll period.

PeriodIsEarliestOpen Bool False

Supported for: SELECT, UPDATE. Returns true if this period is the earliest open pay period.

PeriodStartDate Datetime False

Supported for: SELECT, UPDATE. The start date of a payroll period.

Status String False

Supported for: SELECT, UPDATE. The status of a payroll period.

PeriodEndDate_Prompt Date False

The end date of a payroll period using the yyyy-mm-dd format. This should not be used with the showMostRecentOnly query parameter. If both periodEndDate and showMostRecentOnly query parameters are provided, the API will only consider the periodEndDate query parameter.

ShowMostRecentOnly_Prompt Bool False

If true, the operation returns the 5 most recent pay periods. This should not be used with periodEndDate query parameter. If both showMostRecentOnly and periodEndDate query parameters are provided, the API will ignore showMostRecentOnly query parameter.

Country_Prompt String False

Only used when a PayGroups_Id filter is not provided. The Workday ID of the country or territory of the pay group. You can use a returned country id from any of the payGroups endpoints in this Payroll API.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111