ADO.NET Provider for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Workday の単純なSELECT 処理にとどまらず本製品 の機能を拡張します。

ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにWorkday から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。

CData ADO.NET Provider for Workday ストアドプロシージャ

Name Description
Authorizations Check subjectId permissions against featureId for each target Id
BeginHomeContactInformationChange No description available.
BeginJobChange Initiates a job change request for a specific worker
BeginOrganizationAssignmentChange Retrieves a single organization assignment change event instance.
BeginWorkContactInformationChange No description available.
CasesReopen Updates an existing resolved case instance
CreateMentorshipForMe Creates a mentorship for the current processing worker where the user is also the mentee.
CreateMentorshipForWorker Creates a mentorship between two workers.
CreateWQLSchema Creates a custom schema file that executes a specific WQL query.
DefinitionsActivate No description available.
ElectronicReportingRuns The Electronic Reporting service enables applications to create information on electronic reporting of customer and supplier invoice documents.
EventsCancel Cancels a business process event.
EventStepsApprove Approves a business process event step.
EventStepsDeny Denies a business process event step.
EventStepsQuestionnaire Post an action for a Complete Questionnaire step in a business process.
EventStepsSendBack Sends back a business process event step.
EventStepsToDo Post an action for a To Do step in a business process.
ExecuteSOAPOperation Sends a request to directly invoke a SOAP operation.
ExpenseEntriesAttachments Creates new attachments for the existing expense entry.
ExpenseReportsLines Creates a collection of expense report lines.
ExpenseReportsSubmit No description available.
GetOAuthAccessToken Gets an authentication token from Workday.
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. You will request the OAuthAccessToken from this URL.
HoldsOverrideHold No description available.
HoldsRemoveHold No description available.
ImmigrationEventsSubmit Submits an immigration event.
MentorshipsClose Closes the mentorship.
MentorshipsEdit Edit the mentorship.
Notifications POST Inbound Notifications request.
PhoneValidation Validates phone number data to ensure it is valid for Workday.
Programs Creates a single benefit program instance.
ProjectsEdit Creates Project Edit Events and initiates the associated workflow to update the project.
RefreshOAuthAccessToken Exchanges a access token for a new access token.
RequestsClose Closes a request.
RequisitionsCancel Cancels an existing requisition.
RequisitionsClose Closes a specified completed requisition.
RequisitionsRequisitionEvents Submit Requisition to Business Process
ResourcePlanLinesEdit Creates a Resource Plan Line Edit event and initiates the Project Resource Plan Line business process.
RunBudgetCheck Creates a budget check for transactions.
SendMessage No description available.
SendSupplierInvoiceAttachmentsForScanning Sends supplier invoice attachments for scanning.
StudentsApplyHold Creates an Apply Student Hold Event.
SubmitHomeContactInformationChange Submit the specified contact change ID.
SubmitJobChange Submit the specified change job ID.
SubmitOrganizationAssignmentChange Submits the organization changes request for the specified ID, and initiates the Change Organization Assignment business process.
SubmitWorkContactInformationChange Submit the specified contact change ID.
SupplierInvoiceRequestsSubmit Submits a single supplier invoice instance.
ValidateWorktags Validates worktags.
WorkersOrganizationAssignmentChanges Initiates an organization assignment change for a specific worker.
WorkersRequestOneTimePayment Request a one-time payment for a worker with the specified ID.
WorkersRequestTimeOff Creates a time off request for the specified worker ID and initiates the business process.
WorkersTimeReviewEvents Creates a Time Review Event or Time Review Events.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111