ADO.NET Provider for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Creates a single benefit program instance.

Workday Resource Information

Creates a single benefit program instance with the specified data.

In the request body, specify at least these required fields: url, startDate, endDate, description, title, urlAlias, and programPartner

Secured by: Manage: Benefit Program Software Partner

Scope: Benefits

Contains attachment(s)


Name Type Description
AdminNotes String Descriptive text from the benefit program partner to Workday administrators about the benefit program.
Description String The text description of the benefit program that the employee sees on the program card. Charater limit: 375 or less.
EndDate Datetime The date when the benefit program ends. Must be after the start date.
Id String Id of the instance
Image_AlternativeText String Specify a description of the image in the Alternative Text field for users of assistive technology.
Image_ContentType_Id String wid / id / reference id
Image_FileLength Decimal length of the file
Image_FileName String Name of the file
Image_Id String Id of the instance
ProgramPartner_Id String wid / id / reference id
StartDate Datetime The date when the benefit program begins. Must be before the end date.
Title String The title of the benefit program card. Character limit: 40 or less.
Url String A external or internal web link to the benefit program that must begin with http or https.
UrlAlias String A text string that masks the URL to simplify the URL, making it shorter and easier to use.
WellbeingInterest_Id String wid / id / reference id

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
AdminNotes String Descriptive text from the benefit program partner to Workday administrators about the benefit program.
Description String The text description of the benefit program that the employee sees on the program card. Charater limit: 375 or less.
EndDate Datetime The date when the benefit program ends. Must be after the start date.
Id String Id of the instance
Image_AlternativeText String Specify a description of the image in the Alternative Text field for users of assistive technology.
Image_ContentType_Descriptor String A description of the instance
Image_ContentType_Href String A link to the instance
Image_ContentType_Id String wid / id / reference id
Image_FileLength Decimal length of the file
Image_FileName String Name of the file
Image_Id String Id of the instance
ProgramPartner_Descriptor String A description of the instance
ProgramPartner_Href String A link to the instance
ProgramPartner_Id String wid / id / reference id
StartDate Datetime The date when the benefit program begins. Must be before the end date.
Title String The title of the benefit program card. Character limit: 40 or less.
Url String A external or internal web link to the benefit program that must begin with http or https.
UrlAlias String A text string that masks the URL to simplify the URL, making it shorter and easier to use.
WellbeingInterest_Descriptor String A description of the instance
WellbeingInterest_Href String A link to the instance
WellbeingInterest_Id String wid / id / reference id

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111