Cmdlets for Yahoo! Ads

Build 23.0.8839




CData Cmdlets PowerShell Module for Yahoo! Ads ビュー

Name Description
AccountAuthorities Get account authority information.
AdGroupAdResponsiveAdAssetDescriptionAssets Represents a description asset to specify in responsive display ads.
AdGroupAdResponsiveAdAssetHeadlineAssets Represents a headline asset to specify in responsive display ads.
AdGroupAdResponsiveAdAssetMediaAssets Represents a media asset to specify in responsive display ads.
AppLinkService Get the app link information.
AudienceCategories Get the list of audience category
AudienceListContentAppUserAudienceListRules Retrieve the details of ContentAppUserAudience List Rules. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
AudienceListContentAppUserAudienceListRulesRuleConditions Retrieve the details of AudienceListContentAppUserAudienceListRules Rules RuleConditions. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
AudienceListContentCombinationAudienceListCombinations Retrieve the details of Combination of Audience list information. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
AudienceListContentCombinationAudienceListCombinationsAudienceLists Retrieve the details of Audience list. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
AudienceListContentCombinationAudienceListRulesRuleConditions Retrieve the details of AudienceList Rules RuleConditions. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
AudienceListContentRuleAudienceListRules Retrieve the details of ContentRuleAudience List Rules. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
AudienceListContentSimilarityAudienceListAudienceListSizeReaches Retrieve the details of each reaches of Audience list size. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
AudienceListContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListRules Retrieve the details of ContentWebsiteVisitorsAudience List Rules. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
AudienceListContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListRulesRuleConditions Retrieve the details of ContentWebsiteVisistorsAudienceList Rules RuleConditions. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
BrandLifts Get the BrandLift information.
BrandLiftsQuestions Brand lift survey contents. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
BusinessCategories Get the list of business category
ContentsKeywordIdea Retrieves the keyword for contents targeting.
ContentsKeywordListsContentsKeyword Get the contents keyeord list
ConversionGroupConversions Get ConversionGroup information of specified account
DisplayAdsAccountLinks Get the account link information.
DisplayAdsAdGroupAdCarouselAdCarousels Retrieve the information of carousel ad.
DisplayAdsAdGroupAdServiceLabels Retrieve the details of AdGroupAdService Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables
DisplayAdsAdGroupServiceLabels Retrieve the details of AdGroup Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
DisplayAdsBalance Get the account balance.
DisplayAdsBaseAccount Get lists of all accounts (MCC and ad accounts).
DisplayAdsCampaignServiceLabels Retrieve the details of DisplayAdsCampaign Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
DisplayAdsConversionTrackerWebConversionSnippets Retrieve the details of tracking script information of Web Conversion Tracker. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
DisplayAdsDisapprovalReasons Get the list of response from recommendation with EditorialReason.
DisplayAdsGeographicLocations Get the information list of geo targeting.
DisplayAdsOfflineConversion Get registered offline conversion data information.
DisplayAdsReportFields Retrieve the available report fields for a given report type.
DisplayAdsReportFilters Retrieve the details of filtering report conditions. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
DisplayAdsReportReportTypeConditionConversionPathAccountSettingSubAccounts Retrieve the details of account and its product type. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
DisplayAdsReportReportTypeConditionConversionPathFilters Retrieve the details of flag which indicates whether to include view interaction in Conversion Path Report.
DisplayAdsReportReportTypeConditionCrossCampaignReachesReportConditionCrossCampaignGoals Retrieve the details of account and campaign goal that is subject to Cross-campaign Reach Report combination.
DisplayAdsReportReportTypeConditionCrossCampaignReachesReportConditionCrossCampaignIds Retrieve the details of condition to create each report type
DisplayAdsReportSortFields Retrieve the sort details of report definition. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
DisplayAdsReportTypeConditionCrossCampaignBuyingTypes Retrieve the details of Condition to create Cross-campaign Reach Report. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
FeedData Get the status of uploaded item list.
FeedItemGoogleProductCategories Get Google product category that can be specified for Feed item information.
FeedSetConditionSets Retrieve the details of Conditions of Item Set information. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
FeedSetConditionSetsOrCondition Retrieve the details of Conditions of Item Set information. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
GetUploadUserListStatus Get the upload status of the user list.
GuaranteedAdGroupAdBrandPanelPanoramaPanelSwitchPanels Retreived detailed information of Brand Panel Panorama Panel-switch ad.
GuaranteedAdGroupAdCarouselAdCarousels Retreived detailed information of carousel ad.
GuaranteedAdGroupAdGroupTargets Retrieve the targeting information specified in ad group.This object is required if you are adding ad group via GuaranteedAdGroupService. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
GuaranteedAdGroupAdLabels Retrieve the details of GuaranteedAdGroupAds Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
GuaranteedAdGroupAds Create, Read, Update guaranteed ad and use AdGroupAd/remove to delete the guaranteed ad.
GuaranteedAdGroupAdTopImpactPanoramaPanelSwitchPanels Retreived detailed information of top impact Panorama Panel-switch ad.
GuaranteedAdGroupLabels Retrieve the details of GuaranteedAdGroup Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
GuaranteedAdGroups Create, Read, Update guaranteed ad group and use AdGroup/remove to delete the guaranteed ad group.
GuaranteedCampaignLabels Retrieve the details of GuaranteedCampaigns Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
MediaAdFormats Get an acceptable format (MediaAdFormat) of ad creatives.
OsVersions Get the version of OS.
PlacementUrlIdeas Get the candidate URL
PlacementUrlListUrls Retrieve the details of PlacementUrlLists Urls. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
RecommendationAdGroupsForAddingAdsList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with recommended image sizes.
RecommendationAdGroupsForAddingAdsListAdGroupList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with recommended image sizes.
RecommendationCampaignBiddingStrategyToTargetCpaCampaignBiddingStrategyToTargetCpaCampaignList Retrieve the details of campaign that is suitable for using autobidding. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
RecommendationCreateAdCreateAdList Retrieve the detailed information about a recommendation for creating ads.
RecommendationCreateAdGroupCreateAdGroupList Retrieve the detailed information of ads that have recommendation for creating ad groups.
RecommendationCreateResponsiveDisplayAdCreateResponsiveDisplayAdsList Retrieve the detailed information about a recommendation for Responsive Ads for Display.
RecommendationDailyBudgetOverDailyBudgetOverCampaignLists Retrieve the information about campaigns that reached the daily budget. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
RecommendationDailyBudgetSmallCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the campaign with less than 5,000 JPY daily budget.
RecommendationDuplicateTargetingSettingsAdGroupList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with duplicate targeting settings.
RecommendationDuplicateTargetingSettingsAdGroupListAdGroupList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with duplicate targeting settings.
RecommendationEnhancedCpcEnhancedCpcCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of ads that have recommendation information about the campaign that is suitable for using enhanced CPC.
RecommendationImpsShareBudgetLossOverImpsShareBudgetLossOverCampaignLists Retrieve the information of campaigns that have a large lost impression share (budget). The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
RecommendationInsufficientAdScheduleTargetingCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that have days of the week with less than six hours available for ad delivery.
RecommendationInsufficientClicksCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that need to increase clicks.
RecommendationInsufficientConversionsCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that need to increase conversions.
RecommendationInsufficientTargetingCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information about the campaign that too narrow down the targeting.
RecommendationInsufficientVideoViewsCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that need to increase video views.
RecommendationMaximizeClicksMaximizeClicksCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding (Maximize Clicks).
RecommendationMaximizeConversionsMaximizeConversionsCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding (Maximize Conversions).
RecommendationMaximizeVideoViewsMaximizeVideoViewsCampaignList Retrieve the detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding (Maximize Video Views).
RecommendationNotOptimalAdCountCombinedAdTypeAndImageSizeAdGroupList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group that have other than 3-5 ads that combine a specific ad type and image size.
RecommendationNotOptimalAdCountCombinedAdTypeAndImageSizeAdGroupListAdGroupList Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group that have other than 3-5 ads that combine a specific ad type and image size.
Recommendations Get Recommendations information.
RecommendationSearchKeywordIdeaSearchKeywordIdeaSearchKeywordLists Retrieve the details of recommended search keyword to add. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
RecommendationUpdateAdCreativeUpdateAdCreativeList Retrieve the detailed information of ads that have recommendations for updating images or videos.
ReportDisplayAdsAd To view the Ad report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsAudience_category To view the Audience_category report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsConversion_path To view the Conversion_path report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsCross_campaign_reaches To view the Cross_campaign_reaches report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsLabel To view the Label report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsPlacement_target To view the Placement_target report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsReach To view the Reach report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsSearch_target To view the Search_target report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsSite_category To view the Site_category report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
ReportDisplayAdsUrl To view the Url report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report
SearchKeywordIdeas Get the keyword for search targeting.
SearchKeywordListSearchKeywords Retrieve the details of search keyword. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
SearchLifts Get SearchLift information.
SearchLiftskeywords Retrieve the details of keyword of the search lift. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.
SharedAudienceList Get the list of shared audience list.
SharedAudienceListMaster Get the list of shared audience list master.
SiteCategories Get the list of site category.
Stats Get the stats information of each campaign, ad group, ad, image and video.
ThirdPartyTrackingDomains Get the domain and vendor name that can be specified for the third-party scripting URL.
VideosVideoSettingExtraSpecs It is an additional video quality that can be used other than the regular video qualities. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables.

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Build 23.0.8839