Cmdlets for Yahoo! Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Get Recommendations information.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Yahoo! Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The AccountId and Type is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

  • AccountId supports the '='.
  • Type supports the '=,IN'.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Recommendations WHERE AccountId = '1002504155' AND Type = 'DAILY_BUDGET_OVER'


Name Type References Description
AccountId Int64 Account ID.
CampaignBiddingStrategyToTargetCpaCampaignBiddingStrategyToTargetCpaCampaignList String Recommendation information about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding.
DailyBudgetOverDailyBudgetOverCampaignList String Recommendation information about campaigns that reached the daily budget.
ImpsShareBudgetLossOverImpsShareBudgetLossOverCampaignList String Recommendations information of campaigns that have a large lost impression share (budget).
SearchKeywordIdeaSearchKeywordIdeaSearchKeywordList String This describes the detailed information of recommended search keyword to add.
MaximizeConversionsCampaignList String This describes detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding(Maximize Conversions).
MaximizeClicksCampaignList String This describes detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding(Maximize Clicks).
MaximizeVideoViewsCampaignList String This describes detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding(Maximize video views).
UpdateAdCreativeList String This describes the detailed information of ads that have recommendations for updating images or videos.
DuplicateTargetingSettingsAdGroupList String This describes detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with duplicate targeting settings.
NotOptimalAdCountCombinedAdTypeAndImageSizeAdGroupList String This describes detailed information of recommendations about the ad group that have other than 3-5 ads that combine a specific ad type and image size.
AdGroupsForAddingAdsList String This describes detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with recommended image sizes.
DailyBudgetSmallCampaignList String This describes detailed information of recommendations about the campaign with less than 5,000 JPY daily budget.
InsufficientTargetingCampaignList String This describes detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that too narrow down the targeting.
InsufficientAdScheduleTargetingCampaignList String This describes detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that have days of the week with less than six hours available for ad delivery.
InsufficientConversionsCampaignList String This describes detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that need to increase conversions.
InsufficientClicksCampaignList String This describes detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that need to increase clicks.
InsufficientVideoViewsCampaignList String This describes detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that need to increase video views.
EnhancedCpcCampaignList String This describes recommendation information about the campaign that is suitable for using enhanced CPC.
CreateAdGroupList String This describes detailed information about a recommendation for creating ad groups.
CreateAdList String This describes detailed information about a recommendation for creating ads.
CreateResponsiveDisplayAdsList String This describes detailed information about a recommendation for Responsive Ads for Display.
CreateCampaignRecommendationId Int64 Recommendation ID.
TurnYourAccountOnRecommendationId Int64 Recommendation ID.
TurnYourAdOnRecommendationId Int64 Recommendation ID.
InsufficientAccountBalanceRecommendationId Int64 Recommendation ID.
Type String Type of Recommendations.


OptimizationScoreLift Double Estimated optimization score increase.

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Build 23.0.8839