本製品 はCertinia のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData ADO.NET Provider for Certinia Tables
Name | Description |
AcceptedEventRelation | This is a table representing the AcceptedEventRelation entities in FinancialForce. |
Account | This is a table representing the Account entities in FinancialForce. |
AccountContactRole | This is a table representing the AccountContactRole entities in FinancialForce. |
AccountFeed | This is a table representing the AccountFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
AccountHistory | This is a table representing the AccountHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
AccountPartner | This is a table representing the AccountPartner entities in FinancialForce. |
AccountShare | This is a table representing the AccountShare entities in FinancialForce. |
ActivityHistory | This is a table representing the ActivityHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
AdditionalNumber | This is a table representing the AdditionalNumber entities in FinancialForce. |
ApexClass | This is a table representing the ApexClass entities in FinancialForce. |
ApexComponent | This is a table representing the ApexComponent entities in FinancialForce. |
ApexLog | This is a table representing the ApexLog entities in FinancialForce. |
ApexPage | This is a table representing the ApexPage entities in FinancialForce. |
ApexTestQueueItem | This is a table representing the ApexTestQueueItem entities in FinancialForce. |
ApexTestResult | This is a table representing the ApexTestResult entities in FinancialForce. |
ApexTrigger | This is a table representing the ApexTrigger entities in FinancialForce. |
AppMenuItem | This is a table representing the AppMenuItem entities in FinancialForce. |
Approval | This is a table representing the Approval entities in FinancialForce. |
Asset | This is a table representing the Asset entities in FinancialForce. |
AssetFeed | This is a table representing the AssetFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
AssignmentRule | This is a table representing the AssignmentRule entities in FinancialForce. |
AsyncApexJob | This is a table representing the AsyncApexJob entities in FinancialForce. |
Attachment | This is a table representing the Attachment entities in FinancialForce. |
AuthProvider | This is a table representing the AuthProvider entities in FinancialForce. |
AuthSession | This is a table representing the AuthSession entities in FinancialForce. |
BrandTemplate | This is a table representing the BrandTemplate entities in FinancialForce. |
BusinessHours | This is a table representing the BusinessHours entities in FinancialForce. |
BusinessProcess | This is a table representing the BusinessProcess entities in FinancialForce. |
CallCenter | This is a table representing the CallCenter entities in FinancialForce. |
Campaign | This is a table representing the Campaign entities in FinancialForce. |
CampaignFeed | This is a table representing the CampaignFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
CampaignMember | This is a table representing the CampaignMember entities in FinancialForce. |
CampaignMemberStatus | This is a table representing the CampaignMemberStatus entities in FinancialForce. |
CampaignShare | This is a table representing the CampaignShare entities in FinancialForce. |
Case | This is a table representing the Case entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseComment | This is a table representing the CaseComment entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseContactRole | This is a table representing the CaseContactRole entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseFeed | This is a table representing the CaseFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseHistory | This is a table representing the CaseHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseShare | This is a table representing the CaseShare entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseSolution | This is a table representing the CaseSolution entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseStatus | This is a table representing the CaseStatus entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseTeamMember | This is a table representing the CaseTeamMember entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseTeamRole | This is a table representing the CaseTeamRole entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseTeamTemplate | This is a table representing the CaseTeamTemplate entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseTeamTemplateMember | This is a table representing the CaseTeamTemplateMember entities in FinancialForce. |
CaseTeamTemplateRecord | This is a table representing the CaseTeamTemplateRecord entities in FinancialForce. |
CategoryData | This is a table representing the CategoryData entities in FinancialForce. |
CategoryNode | This is a table representing the CategoryNode entities in FinancialForce. |
ChatterActivity | This is a table representing the ChatterActivity entities in FinancialForce. |
ClientBrowser | This is a table representing the ClientBrowser entities in FinancialForce. |
CollaborationGroup | This is a table representing the CollaborationGroup entities in FinancialForce. |
CollaborationGroupFeed | This is a table representing the CollaborationGroupFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
CollaborationGroupMember | This is a table representing the CollaborationGroupMember entities in FinancialForce. |
CollaborationGroupMemberRequest | This is a table representing the CollaborationGroupMemberRequest entities in FinancialForce. |
CollaborationInvitation | This is a table representing the CollaborationInvitation entities in FinancialForce. |
Community | This is a table representing the Community entities in FinancialForce. |
Contact | This is a table representing the Contact entities in FinancialForce. |
ContactFeed | This is a table representing the ContactFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
ContactHistory | This is a table representing the ContactHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
ContactShare | This is a table representing the ContactShare entities in FinancialForce. |
ContentDocument | This is a table representing the ContentDocument entities in FinancialForce. |
ContentDocumentFeed | This is a table representing the ContentDocumentFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
ContentDocumentHistory | This is a table representing the ContentDocumentHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
ContentDocumentLink | This is a table representing the ContentDocumentLink entities in FinancialForce. |
ContentVersion | This is a table representing the ContentVersion entities in FinancialForce. |
ContentVersionHistory | This is a table representing the ContentVersionHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
Contract | This is a table representing the Contract entities in FinancialForce. |
ContractContactRole | This is a table representing the ContractContactRole entities in FinancialForce. |
ContractFeed | This is a table representing the ContractFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
ContractHistory | This is a table representing the ContractHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
ContractStatus | This is a table representing the ContractStatus entities in FinancialForce. |
CronJobDetail | This is a table representing the CronJobDetail entities in FinancialForce. |
CronTrigger | This is a table representing the CronTrigger entities in FinancialForce. |
Dashboard | This is a table representing the Dashboard entities in FinancialForce. |
DashboardComponent | This is a table representing the DashboardComponent entities in FinancialForce. |
DashboardComponentFeed | This is a table representing the DashboardComponentFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
DashboardFeed | This is a table representing the DashboardFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
DeclinedEventRelation | This is a table representing the DeclinedEventRelation entities in FinancialForce. |
Document | This is a table representing the Document entities in FinancialForce. |
DocumentAttachmentMap | This is a table representing the DocumentAttachmentMap entities in FinancialForce. |
Domain | This is a table representing the Domain entities in FinancialForce. |
DomainSite | This is a table representing the DomainSite entities in FinancialForce. |
EmailServicesAddress | This is a table representing the EmailServicesAddress entities in FinancialForce. |
EmailServicesFunction | This is a table representing the EmailServicesFunction entities in FinancialForce. |
EmailStatus | This is a table representing the EmailStatus entities in FinancialForce. |
EmailTemplate | This is a table representing the EmailTemplate entities in FinancialForce. |
EntitySubscription | This is a table representing the EntitySubscription entities in FinancialForce. |
Event | This is a table representing the Event entities in FinancialForce. |
EventFeed | This is a table representing the EventFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
EventRelation | This is a table representing the EventRelation entities in FinancialForce. |
FeedComment | This is a table representing the FeedComment entities in FinancialForce. |
FeedItem | This is a table representing the FeedItem entities in FinancialForce. |
FeedPollChoice | This is a table representing the FeedPollChoice entities in FinancialForce. |
FeedPollVote | This is a table representing the FeedPollVote entities in FinancialForce. |
FieldPermissions | This is a table representing the FieldPermissions entities in FinancialForce. |
FiscalYearSettings | This is a table representing the FiscalYearSettings entities in FinancialForce. |
Folder | This is a table representing the Folder entities in FinancialForce. |
ForecastShare | This is a table representing the ForecastShare entities in FinancialForce. |
Group | This is a table representing the Group entities in FinancialForce. |
GroupMember | This is a table representing the GroupMember entities in FinancialForce. |
HashtagDefinition | This is a table representing the HashtagDefinition entities in FinancialForce. |
Holiday | This is a table representing the Holiday entities in FinancialForce. |
Lead | This is a table representing the Lead entities in FinancialForce. |
LeadFeed | This is a table representing the LeadFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
LeadHistory | This is a table representing the LeadHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
LeadShare | This is a table representing the LeadShare entities in FinancialForce. |
LeadStatus | This is a table representing the LeadStatus entities in FinancialForce. |
LoginHistory | This is a table representing the LoginHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
LoginIp | This is a table representing the LoginIp entities in FinancialForce. |
MailmergeTemplate | This is a table representing the MailmergeTemplate entities in FinancialForce. |
MobileDeviceRegistrar | This is a table representing the MobileDeviceRegistrar entities in FinancialForce. |
Name | This is a table representing the Name entities in FinancialForce. |
Note | This is a table representing the Note entities in FinancialForce. |
NoteAndAttachment | This is a table representing the NoteAndAttachment entities in FinancialForce. |
ObjectPermissions | This is a table representing the ObjectPermissions entities in FinancialForce. |
OpenActivity | This is a table representing the OpenActivity entities in FinancialForce. |
Opportunity | This is a table representing the Opportunity entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityCompetitor | This is a table representing the OpportunityCompetitor entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityContactRole | This is a table representing the OpportunityContactRole entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityFeed | This is a table representing the OpportunityFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityFieldHistory | This is a table representing the OpportunityFieldHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityHistory | This is a table representing the OpportunityHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityLineItem | This is a table representing the OpportunityLineItem entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityPartner | This is a table representing the OpportunityPartner entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityShare | This is a table representing the OpportunityShare entities in FinancialForce. |
OpportunityStage | This is a table representing the OpportunityStage entities in FinancialForce. |
Organization | This is a table representing the Organization entities in FinancialForce. |
OrgWideEmailAddress | This is a table representing the OrgWideEmailAddress entities in FinancialForce. |
Partner | This is a table representing the Partner entities in FinancialForce. |
PartnerRole | This is a table representing the PartnerRole entities in FinancialForce. |
Period | This is a table representing the Period entities in FinancialForce. |
PermissionSet | This is a table representing the PermissionSet entities in FinancialForce. |
PermissionSetAssignment | This is a table representing the PermissionSetAssignment entities in FinancialForce. |
PermissionSetLicense | This is a table representing the PermissionSetLicense entities in FinancialForce. |
PermissionSetLicenseAssign | This is a table representing the PermissionSetLicenseAssign entities in FinancialForce. |
Pricebook2 | This is a table representing the Pricebook2 entities in FinancialForce. |
Pricebook2History | This is a table representing the Pricebook2History entities in FinancialForce. |
PricebookEntry | This is a table representing the PricebookEntry entities in FinancialForce. |
ProcessDefinition | This is a table representing the ProcessDefinition entities in FinancialForce. |
ProcessInstance | This is a table representing the ProcessInstance entities in FinancialForce. |
ProcessInstanceHistory | This is a table representing the ProcessInstanceHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
ProcessInstanceStep | This is a table representing the ProcessInstanceStep entities in FinancialForce. |
ProcessInstanceWorkitem | This is a table representing the ProcessInstanceWorkitem entities in FinancialForce. |
ProcessNode | This is a table representing the ProcessNode entities in FinancialForce. |
Product2 | This is a table representing the Product2 entities in FinancialForce. |
Product2Feed | This is a table representing the Product2Feed entities in FinancialForce. |
Profile | This is a table representing the Profile entities in FinancialForce. |
PushTopic | This is a table representing the PushTopic entities in FinancialForce. |
QueueSobject | This is a table representing the QueueSobject entities in FinancialForce. |
Quote | This is a table representing the Quote entities in FinancialForce. |
QuoteDocument | This is a table representing the QuoteDocument entities in FinancialForce. |
QuoteFeed | This is a table representing the QuoteFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
QuoteLineItem | This is a table representing the QuoteLineItem entities in FinancialForce. |
RecentlyViewed | This is a table representing the RecentlyViewed entities in FinancialForce. |
RecordType | This is a table representing the RecordType entities in FinancialForce. |
Report | This is a table representing the Report entities in FinancialForce. |
ReportFeed | This is a table representing the ReportFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
Scontrol | This is a table representing the Scontrol entities in FinancialForce. |
SelfServiceUser | This is a table representing the SelfServiceUser entities in FinancialForce. |
SetupEntityAccess | This is a table representing the SetupEntityAccess entities in FinancialForce. |
Site | This is a table representing the Site entities in FinancialForce. |
SiteFeed | This is a table representing the SiteFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
SiteHistory | This is a table representing the SiteHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
Solution | This is a table representing the Solution entities in FinancialForce. |
SolutionFeed | This is a table representing the SolutionFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
SolutionHistory | This is a table representing the SolutionHistory entities in FinancialForce. |
SolutionStatus | This is a table representing the SolutionStatus entities in FinancialForce. |
StaticResource | This is a table representing the StaticResource entities in FinancialForce. |
Task | This is a table representing the Task entities in FinancialForce. To retrieve archived tasks, you must explicitly query for records with IsArchived set to True. |
TaskFeed | This is a table representing the TaskFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
TaskPriority | This is a table representing the TaskPriority entities in FinancialForce. |
TaskStatus | This is a table representing the TaskStatus entities in FinancialForce. |
Topic | This is a table representing the Topic entities in FinancialForce. |
TopicAssignment | This is a table representing the TopicAssignment entities in FinancialForce. |
TopicFeed | This is a table representing the TopicFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
UndecidedEventRelation | This is a table representing the UndecidedEventRelation entities in FinancialForce. |
User | This is a table representing the User entities in FinancialForce. |
UserFeed | This is a table representing the UserFeed entities in FinancialForce. |
UserLicense | This is a table representing the UserLicense entities in FinancialForce. |
UserLogin | This is a table representing the UserLogin entities in FinancialForce. |
UserPreference | This is a table representing the UserPreference entities in FinancialForce. |
UserProfile | This is a table representing the UserProfile entities in FinancialForce. |
UserRecordAccess | This is a table representing the UserRecordAccess entities in FinancialForce. |
UserRole | This is a table representing the UserRole entities in FinancialForce. |
Vote | This is a table representing the Vote entities in FinancialForce. |
WebLink | This is a table representing the WebLink entities in FinancialForce. |
The 本製品 can also expose custom entities on your Certinia account that are not mentioned in the Tables. You can query against these custom entities as with any other table. Additionally, you can query against custom fields of standard entities.
There is a naming limitation that applies to the lists and to the custom fields. Empty spaces in list names are converted to underscores for the table names. Also, all custom fields and custom entities are identified by Certinia with a __c appended to the end of the name.