Tableau Connector for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.9111


The connector models the data in Zoho Books as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData Tableau Connector for Zoho Books Tables

Name Description
BankAccounts List, add, update and delete bank and credit card accounts for your organization.
BankRules List, add, update and delete specified bank or credit card account Id.
BankTransactions List, add, update and delete details involved in an account.
BaseCurrencyAdjustments List, add, update and delete base currency adjustment.
BillDetails List, add, update and delete details of a bill.
ChartOfAccounts List, add, update and delete chart of accounts.
ContactDetails List, add, update and delete a contact.
CreditNoteDetails List, add, update and delete a Credit Note.
Currencies List, add, update and delete currencies configured. Also, get the details of a currency.
CustomerContacts Create, Read, Update, Delete contact persons. Also, get the contact person details.
CustomerPaymentDetails List, add, update and delete details of a payment.
CustomerPaymentsRefund Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.
CustomModuleFields In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.
CustomModules In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.
EstimateDetails List, add, update and delete details of an estimate.
ExpenseDetails List, add, update and delete details of an Expense.
InvoiceDetails List, add, update and delete details of an invoice.
ItemDetails List, add, update and delete details of an existing item.
Journals List, add, update and delete journals.
OpeningBalances List and delete opening balances.
Projects List, add, update and delete projects.
PurchaseOrderDetails List, add, update and delete details of a purchase order.
RecurringBillDetails List, add, update and delete details of a bill.
RecurringExpenseDetails List, add, update and delete details of a recurring expense.
RecurringInvoiceDetails List, add, update and delete details of a recurring invoice.
RetainerInvoiceDetails List, add, update and delete of a retainer invoice.
SalesOrderDetails List, add, update and delete a sales order.
Tasks List, add, update and delete tasks added to a project. Also, get the details of a task.
Taxes List, add, update and delete simple and compound taxes. Also, get the details of a simple or compound tax.
TaxGroups Read, Insert, Update and Delete Tax Groups.
TimeEntries List, add, update and delete time entries.
Users List, add, update and delete users in the organization. Also, get the details of a user.
VendorCreditDetails List, add, update and delete details of a vendor credit.
VendorCreditRefund Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.
VendorPaymentDetails List, add, update and delete details of a Vendor Payment.
VendorPaymentsRefund Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.

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Build 24.0.9111