JDBC Driver for Zendesk

Build 24.0.8963


Create, Update, Delete and Query Views in Zendesk.

Table Specific Information


The following queries are processed server side while other filters are processed client side by the driver. Allowed for agents.

SELECT * FROM Views WHERE Id = '123'

SELECT * FROM Views WHERE GroupId = '123'

SELECT * FROM Views WHERE Access = 'Shared'

SELECT * FROM Views WHERE Active = true



SELECT * FROM Views WHERE Id in (18578482641937, 18578439448081)

You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any other search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned.


The Columns Title and ConditionsAll are required to insert. A suitable combination of Field, Operator and Value is required for insertion in ConditionsAll and ConditionsAny. Here is a list of the possible combinations: "https://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/ticketing/reference-guides/conditions-reference/". Allowed for agents.

INSERT INTO ViewsConditionsAll#temp(Field, Operator, Value) VALUES('status', 'less_than', 'solved')
INSERT INTO ViewsConditionsAny#temp(Field, Operator, Value) VALUES('assignee_id', 'is', '18211830670225')
INSERT INTO Views(Title,ConditionsAll, ConditionsAny, ExecutionColumns, ExecutionGroupBy, ExecutionGroupOrder, ExecutionSortBy, ExecutionSortOrder) VALUES('Test title', 'ViewsConditionsAll#temp', 'ViewsConditionsAny#temp', 'status;requester;asignee', 'asignee', 'desc', 'status', 'desc')


You must specify the Id of the View to update it. ConditionsAll and ConditionsAny aggregate columns support duplicate values in the object, so in order to update these fields, you must specifty the whole aggregate object. All fields that are not readonly (readonly="false" in the table) are optional. Allowed for agents.

INSERT INTO ViewsConditionsAll#temp(Field, Operator, Value) VALUES('status', 'less_than', 'solved')
INSERT INTO ViewsConditionsAny#temp(Field, Operator, Value) VALUES('assignee_id', 'is', '18211830670225')
UPDATE Views SET Title='Updated Title', ConditionsAll='ViewsConditionsAll#temp', ConditionsAny='ViewsConditionsAny#temp' WHERE Id='18551415691665'

To update multiple Views.

INSERT INTO Views#temp(Id, Position) VALUES(18578482641937, 5)
INSERT INTO Views#temp(Id, Position) VALUES(18578439448081, 6)
UPDATE VIEWS(Id, Position) Select Id, Position FROM Views#temp


You must specify the Id of the view to delete it. Allowed for agents.

DELETE FROM Views WHERE Id = '123'

To delete multiple Views.

INSERT INTO Views#temp(Id) VALUES(18578482641937)
INSERT INTO Views#temp(Id) VALUES(18578439448081)

Note: There is a limitation on the API side in the case of Bulk Update and Bulk Delete. When you try to update or delete multiple records with at least one invalid Id, the API will throw a 404 not found exception. Due to this limitation, the LastResultInfo#temp for this table shows an empty resultset.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Long True

Automatically assigned when the ticket is created.

Title String False

The title of the view.

Active Boolean False

Useful for determining if the view should be displayed.

SlaId Long False


If the view is for an SLA, shows the id.

RestrictionId Long True

The id of the restricion (who may access this account. Will be null when everyone in the account can access it).

RestrictionType String False

The type of the restricion (who may access this account. Will be null when everyone in the account can access it).

RestrictionIds String False

The numeric IDs of a single or more groups. Recommended for 'Group' type.

Position Integer False

The position of the view.

ExecutionGroupBy String False

Group the tickets by a column in the View columns table. The subject and submitter columns are not supported.

ExecutionGroupOrder String False

Group the tickets by a column in the View columns table either by specifying asc or desc.

ExecutionSortBy String False

Sort the tickets by a column in the View columns table. The subject and submitter columns are not supported.

ExecutionSortOrder String False

Sort the tickets by a column in the View columns table either by specifying asc or desc.

ExecutionGroup String False

When present, the structure indicating how the tickets are grouped.

ExecutionSort String False

The column structure of the field used for sorting.

ExecutionColumns String False

The ticket fields to display. For Insert, give the list of value separated by semi-colon.

ExecutionFields String False

Execution is an object describing how the view should be executed.

ExecutionCustomFields String False

Execution is an object describing how the view should be executed.

ConditionsAll String False

Logical AND. Tickets must fulfill all of the conditions to be considered matching.Conditions is an object describing how the view is constructed.

ConditionsAny String False

Logical OR. Tickets may satisfy any of the conditions to be considered matching.Conditions is an object describing how the view is constructed.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The time the view was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The time of the last update of the view.

Access String False

Only views with given access. May be personal, shared, or account

GroupId Long False


The group id the view belongs to. Used to query the table

Default Boolean False

If true, the view is a default view.

Description String False

The description of the view.

RawTitle String False

The raw title of the view.

Url String True


Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963